Page 164 - Demo
P. 164

                                    NAR%u00aeSurvival Blanket1 ETD%u21226 in. Dressing2QTY TraumaShears, Lg1QTY ElasticBandage,3 in. 2QTY SAM%u00aeSplint II1QTY Fox EyeShieldw/garter1QTY C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1QTY HyFin%u00aeTrainer, Twin Pk1QTY SurgicalTape, 2 in.1 QTY BurnTec4%u201dx16%u201d Dressing1QTY GreenChemLight%u21221QTY GauzeWound Packing1QTY TriangularBandage1QTY SurgicalLubricant1QTY NitrileGloves, Lg1PAIR PermanentMarker, Large1QTY TCCCTriage Card1QTYPre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F1NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed1INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE164 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTTRAINING | TCCC Naval Training Kits%u2022 Designed to meet the TCCC requirements of the U.S. Naval Ships, Military Sealift Command ships and afloat commercial vessels%u2022 Provides the All Service Members and first responders with rapid access and organization of critical lifesaving equipment for rendering on scene emergency care at sea in a training environment%u2022 Lightweight, sand/water resistant, slimline pouch constructed of Berry Amendment 500D Cordura solution dyed nylon, Ghille Tex hardware, self repairing zippers & silent 550 cord pulls%u2022 Pouch features securable anti-pilferage seals and a clear window to readily view contents %u2022 Easily fits into the standard Naval First Aid BoxSPECIFICATIONS L 15 in. x H 6 in. x D 4 in. Weight: 2 lb NAVAL FIRST AID BOX RESPONSE KIT TRAINER:ITEM # NSN #85-3204 6910-01-695-9363NAVAL FIRST AID BOX RESPONSE KIT TRAINERNAVAL FIRST AID BOXRESPONSE KIT All Service Member TrainerNaval First Aid Box (not included)CPR Microshield Mask1MADE INAmerICA
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