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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE166 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTTone ITEM #Light 93-0069Deep 93-0410TRAINING | Part Task TrainersSPECIFICATIONS H 17 in. x W 20 in. x D 7.5 in.Weight: 14 lb%u2022 Task Trainer for teaching realistic hemorrhage control in wounds including a large caliber gunshot & knife/laceration %u2022 Training capabilities include general wound packing techniques & advanced hemostatic gauze trainingHemorrhage Training Kit%u2122with 1 Gun Shot Wound & 1 Knife/LacerationTRUECLOT %u00ae TRUECLOT GSW & Laceration TRAINER: %u2022 Rugged part-task trainer for learning essential lifesaving skills of tourniquet application, wound packing and applying pressure bandages%u2022 Multiple wounding patterns to enhance training objectivesSPECIFICATIONS L 15.25 in. x Diameter 6 in.Weight: 10.8 lbWOUND MANAGEMENT SIMULATOR%u2022 Large caliber gunshot wound with hidden bleed points and a simulated fracture/defect hard plastic bone insert to aid in teaching deep wound packing techniques%u2022 Sturdy silicone construction with no moving parts, reinforced tubing mount, and a more realistic wound pattern and outer anatomy %u2022Ideal for the repeated use of a training environmentHemorrhage Training Kit%u2122Large Caliber GSW with Bone Insert Bottle,Mixing & Storage1QTY Hard Casewith Instructions1QTY Bottle,Delivery with Tube & 1-way Valve Lg. GSW 1Task Trainer1QTY TrueClot%u00aeBlood Simulant4QTY TrueClot%u00aeHemostatic,12 ft9QTYTRUECLOT Large Caliber GSW TRAINER: TRUECLOT LARGE CALIBER GSW TRAINERITEM #93-0020TRUECLOT %u00aeSPECIFICATIONS Task Trainer: L 7.25 in. x H 2.5 in.Storage Case: L 13.5 in. x W 10 in. x D 5.5 in.Liquid Capacity: 1 literWeight: 5 lbITEM #93-0932TRUECLOT GSW & LACERATION TRAINERWOUND MGT.SIMULATOR %u2022 Simulates severe laceration, penetrating trauma (entrance and exit wounds), along with the ability to apply tourniquets%u2022 Proprietary silicon that is rugged and durable and will not break down due to environmental exposure%u2022 Can be used in the classroom or in field training scenariosGSWTask Trainer1TrueClot%u00aeFlow Valves, 5 pk1 AbsorbentUnderpad Chux12LacerationTask Trainer1Storage & Transport Case1TrueClot%u00aeBlood Simulant4DisposableBags2NitrileGloves, Md20TrueClot%u00aeHemostatic, 12%u201910TrueClot%u00aeMixing Bottles2NitrileGloves, Lg20Wound Pans2TrueClot%u00aeBleeding Bottles2NitrileGloves, Xl20
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