Page 163 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 163%u2022 Twenty-five (25) pre-packed Training IFAKs for use during trauma lanes or training scenarios%u2022IFAKs come packaged in a self contained wheeled hard, case that allows for easy transport and storageSPECIFICATIONS External Case %u2013 L 32.5 in. x W 21 in. x D 13 in. Internal Case %u2013 L 29 in. x W 18 in. x D 10 in.Weight: 70 lbSPECIFICATIONS External Case %u2013 L 32.5 in. x W 21 in. x D 13 in. Internal Case %u2013 L 29 in. x W 18 in. x D 10 in.Weight: 50 lb%u2022 Various high threat extraction devices and casualty evacuation systems to train students in different options to move casualties during the all three TCCC Phases of Care%u2022 Packaged in a self-contained, wheeled, rigid case that allows for easy transport and storageTCCC EVACUATION SKILL SET MODULE: MODULE ITEM #TCCC IFAK Skills Set 80-0969TCCC IFAK SKILLS SET MODULEMODULE ITEM #TCCC Evacuation Skills Set 80-0971TCCC EVACUATION SKILLS SET MODULETCCC EVACUATION SKILLS SET Talon%u00ae90C Litter1QTY HastyHarness1QTYRat%u2122Strap1QTY DragonHandle System1QTY CarabinerNon-locking1QTY R.E.E.L. Litter Black1QTY HPMK 1 %u00aeQTYTCCC IFAK SKILLS KIT All CombatantTCCCIFAK Skills Kit25QTYTCCC IFAK SKILL SET MODULE: OPTION ITEM #TCCC IFAK Skills Kit 85-1958TCCC IFAK ReSupply* 80-1028TCCC IFAK SKILLS KITTCCC IFAK SKILLS KIT: * TCCC IFAK ReSupply Kit contains all components of the IFAK SKILLS Kit, excluding the Nylon BagSPECIFICATIONS H 7 in. x W 4.5 in. x D 2.75 in.Weight: 2 lb 8 ozKit contents below %uf071All Combatant TCCC IFAK SKILLS SETMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1 ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing1 NAR%u00ae GauzeS-Rolled1 Combat Gauze%u00ae Trainer1Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F1 HyFin%u00ae Trainer, Twin Pk1 14G ARS%u00aeNeedle Decomp.1 2%u201d NAR%u00aeSurgical Tape1 NitrileGloves, Lg1 PermanentMarker, Large1 CombatCasualty Card1