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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE158 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTSIMULATED BLOODCONCENTRATE Non-Staining - 1 Gal.TRAINING | Simulator Components%u2022 Features embedded blood channels that simulate bleeding with tissue dissection. %u2022 70 operative sites within each ten pack.%u2022 Works with Cric in a Box%u2122 Simulator %u2022 Can store up to three mannequins and litters (sold separately)%u2022 Welded steel%u2022 Locking Casters%u2022 2L reservoir with screw top opening%u2022 Hand-bulb pump with check valve %u2022 30 in. tubing with female connectorExplore more simulator components & replacement parts at 2.5 gallon manually pressurized reservoir %u2022 Designed to pump the simulated blood concentrate into North American Rescue Simulation training simulators.%u2022 To be used with all TOMManikins, TAMIkin, and K9 simulators%u2022 Must be diluted%u2022 1 Gallon of concentrate yields 64 gallons of simulated blood%u2022 Recommended mix ratio is 2:1; 2 ounces of concentrate to 1 gallon of water%u2022 Non-staining formula%u2022 Features 100% skin tone silicone%u2022 Dark red simulated tissue layer visible upon dissection.NON-BLEEDTOMManikin%u00ae Replacement Neck Skins - 10 PK10 PK - TOMManikin%u00aeBLEEDING NECK SKINSSIMULATOR BLOOD FILL TANKBLOOD SUPPLY PUMPSPECIFICATIONS Packaged - H 10 in. x W 6 in. x L 12 in.Weight: 5 lbsSPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: H 36 in. x W 36 in. x D 26 in.Weight: 150 lbs.SPECIFICATIONS Packaged - H 10 in. x W 6 in. x L 12 in.Weight: 3 lbs 1.1 ozSPECIFICATIONS Packaged - L 10 in. x H 16 in. x W 10 in.Weight: 8 lbs SPECIFICATIONS Packaged - L 36 in. x W 18 in. x H 18 in.Weight: 4 lbsTOMMANIKIN%u00aeBLEEDING NECK SKINS - 10 PKITEM #93-0102TOMMANIKIN%u00ae RACKITEM #93-0135TOMMANIKIN%u00aeREPLACEMENT NECK SKINS NON-BLEED - 10 PKITEM #93-0147ITEM #93-0106SIMULATED BLOODCONCENTRATENON-STAINING - 1 GALITEM #93-0183SIMULATORBLOOD FILL TANKITEM #93-0183BLOOD SUPPLY PUMPMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICATOMManikin%u00ae SIMULATOR RACKSPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 15 in. x W 7 in.Weight: 0.63 lbs. lbs.
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