Page 144 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE144 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTBASIC Wounding Patterns:1. Partial Arm Amputation below the elbow with Massive bleeding and dramatic soft tissue damage, exposed hard bone and discernible tissue layers Responds to tourniquet application or brachial artery direct pressure application 2. Full Amputation Leg with massive bleeding, extensive soft tissue damage, exposed hard bone, visible tissue layers. Responds to direct junctional pressure and tourniquet applicationBASICTOMManikin%u00aeBLAST Wounding Patterns:1. Open Jaw Fracture Head Skin with massive maxillofacial bone and soft tissue injuries, actively bleeds. Supports OP/NP/ET/Surgical airways 2. Packable Abdominal Evisceration with intricate handcrafted attention to anatomical detail with visible tissue layers, and 10 in. of eviscerated bowel with peripheral ecchymosis surrounding large open wound. Massive bleeding with %u201cclampable%u201d vessel3. Shrapnel Wound Arm with active bleeding, multiple soft tissue wounds, responds to tourniquet application4. Full Amputation Leg with massive bleeding, extensive soft tissue damage, exposed hard bone, visible tissue layers. Responds to direct junctional pressure and tourniquet application%u2022 Tourniquet Application (proximal, junctional, and abdominal tourniquets)%u2022 Active bleeding controllable by direct pressure on pressure points%u2022 Wound packing with realistic bleeding control%u2022 Nasopharyngeal and oral airways, supraglotticairway insertion and endotracheal intubation%u2022 Surgical airway with realistic bleeding and tissue dissection 35 operative sites included%u2022 Remote controlled breathing rates: Slow, Normal, and Fast%u2022 Bilateral Needle Decompression at either 2nd/3rd intercostal (midclavicular), or 5th/6th intercostal (mid-axillary) locations%u2022 Realistic chest seal application& adhesion%u2022 Chest Tube capable (bilateral)%u2022 Radial pulses in uninjured upper extremities & bilateral carotid pulses%u2022 CPR Chest Compressions %u2022 Variable pulse rate& pressure (Normal, bounding, thready)%u2022 IO (sternal & humeral) and antecubital IV access on uninjured upper limbsTOMManikin%u00ae Interventions %uf178*Other configurations are available upon requestITEM # NSN # 93-0035 6910-01-705-3108BASIC TOMMANIKIN%u00ae *241%uf074All Manikins include a MILSPEC-rated instructor tabletBLASTTOMManikin%u00ae 12*Other configurations are available upon request3ITEM # NSN # 93-0036 6910-01-705-3094BLAST TOMMANIKIN%u00ae *MADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICA