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For Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 141 888-689-6277 %u2022 | 141TRAININGMILITARY%u27a4 Toxic MED 1012-day course for anyone who may be involved in a CBRN incident. Students will receive critical knowledge and skills on how to respond to incidents involving chemical/biological/ radiological/nuclear contaminants. NAEMT TECC certification awarded upon completion.%u27a4 Toxic MED 2015-day course designed for medical providers/first responders. Provides background, knowledge and methodologies associated with responding to or supporting CBRN operations with casualties. Students will have the opportunity to receive the AHLS certification if desired. All students will earn NAEMT TECC certification upon successful completion.%u27a4 Austere Rescue Course5-day course aimed at military medical providers and paramedics. Students will receive periods of instruction covering austere medicine, remote rescue, and patient transport in rugged terrain with limited resources. Course will involve treatment and movement in remote environments coupled with challenging problems involving emergency medicine, transport, and elements of PCC.%u27a4 Austere Surgical Course5-day course exclusively designed for military surgical teams. Students will utilize perfused cadavers to hone surgical skills in a variety of environments; battlefield conditions and equipment will be incorporated into training to increase proficiency and team skills. SOPs will be tested in preparation for full mission profile event.%u27a4 Prolonged Critical Care5-day course that gives military medical providers the knowledge and skills necessary to treat patients in an austere environment for longer periods of time with limited resources when patient evacuation is not tenable. Students will be instructed on how to keep patients stable with whatever resources are available until transport arrives. %u27a4 TCCC-ACThis 40- hour course is designed for non-medical military personnel that provides a 4 year NAEMT TCCC certification upon completion. Students will learn emergency battlefield medicine focusing on preventable causes of death.%u27a4 TCCC-MPThis 16-hour course is designed for non-medical military personnel that provides a 4-year NAEMT TCCC certification upon completion. Includes standard training with addition of scenarios utilizing role players and moulage.%u27a4 EGT-ACThis 5-day course is designed for small military units that provides a 4-year NAEMT TCCC-AC certification. Provides students with TCCC medicine and drills, field maneuvers, and trauma lanes with role players and CASEVAC trainers.%u27a4 EGT-MPThis 5-day course is designed for military medical provider units that awards a 4-year NAEMT TCCC-AC certification upon completion. Provides students with TCCC medicine and drills, field maneuvers, and trauma lanes with role players and CASEVAC trainers.%u27a4 SOFMEDThis 8-day course is specifically designed for Special Operations Medics that provides the following certifications: BLS, ACLS, PALS, TCCC-MP, and a full NCCP 60-hour CEU/NRP refresher. Students focus on medicine while enhancing tactics via use of simulations, role players, and trainers.%u27a4 SOTMThis 8-day course is specifically designed for Special Operations Medics that provides the following certifications: BLS, ACLS, PALS, TCCC-MP, and a full NCCP 60-hour CEU/NRP refresher. Students focus on medicine while enhancing tactics via use of perfused cadavers, simulations, role players, and trainers.CP MEDADVANCEDREV052021COURSES%uf121For Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 141Explore training opportunities online at