Page 138 - Demo
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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE138 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTSPECIFICATIONS L 1 in. x W 1 in. x D 0.125 in.Weight: 0.32 ozTREATMENT SUPPORT | AccessoriesSPECIFICATIONS L 2 in. x W 2 in. x D 0.125 in.Weight: 0.6 ozMEDIC CROSS ID PATCHES PVC%u2022 Soft flexible PVC rubber patch %u2022 Backed with hook material for easy attachment and removal%u2022Ideal for use on medical kits such as the M-FAK and T.O.R.K.%u2022 Available in 1 in. & 2 in. sizes%u2022 An additional loop field lined sheet is included for sewing onto clothes or protecting hook back when not in useCOLORS ITEM #Coyote & Black ZZ-0797Black & Gray ZZ-0798OD Green & Black ZZ-0800Black & Orange ZZ-07992 in. MEDIC CROSS PATCHNAR%u00ae IR SQUARES (6-Pack)%u2022Infrared patch printed on honeycomb reflective material%u2022 Black hook fasteners on the back for easy attachment%u2022 Clearly visible under IR light illuminationSPECIFICATIONS Each: 1 in. x 1 in.Weight: 0.2 oz.Sold in Packs of 6Glows in the Dark Luminous MED ID PATCH %u2022 Soft flexible custom rubber PVC%u2022 Ultimate glow-in-the-darkidentification technology%u2022 1 in. block letters %u2022 2 medical patches per packageSPECIFICATIONS Each: L 3 in. x W 2 in. x D 0.125 in.Weight: 0.4 ozITEM# ZZ-0121LUMINOUS MED ID PATCHITEM# ZZ-0108NAR IR SQUARES 6-PACKCOLORS ITEM #Coyote & Black ZZ-1084Black & Gray ZZ-1082OD Green & Black ZZ-1085Black & Orange ZZ-10831 in. MEDIC CROSS PATCHShown: 2 in. Patch on M-FAKShown:1 in. Patchon TQ Case
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