Page 145 - Demo
P. 145
For Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 145GSW(Gun Shot Wound)TOMManikin%u00aeAddressing injury locations based on US Army study suggesting females who suffer penetrating injuries to chest, abdomen, pelvis have a higher mortality rates than male colleaguesFemale version of TOMManikin%u00aeGSW, with anatomically correct female features and voice %u2022 Injuries located in sensitive areas such as under breast & pubic area as well as the leg%u2022 Parallels GSW TOMManikin%u2019s capabilities & wounding patternsTAMikin%u2122GSWFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 145GSW Wounding Patterns: 1. Sucking Chest Wound with anterior GSW entry & posterior exit. Actively bleeds from both locations. Anterior wound mixes with air from onboard compressor to create bubbling bleeding effect. Supports chest seal application and pleural needle decompression2. GSW to Groin with GSW anterior entry/posterior exit with soft tissue trauma to penis and avulsed scrotum with prolapsed testicle. Wounds present with peripheral wound site ecchymosis, exposed sub-q fat layer and muscle striation. Entry wound is packable and responds to both peripheral and junctional tourniquet application and femoral pressure point application3. GSW Leg with through & through GSW to leg above the knee. Entry wound presents with small entrance hole with circular powder burn. Exit wound has exposed fat and wound site ecchymosis. Variable bleeding rate. Responds to both peripheral and junctional tourniquet application and femoral pressure point application. Can be used as an impaled object using steel rebar, or wooden stake4. Full Amputation Leg (Option)** with massive bleeding, extensive soft tissue damage, exposed hard bone, visible tissue layers. Responds to direct junctional pressure and tourniquet application**Leg Amputation Option 93-0369/93-0947 ***Female version*Other configurations are available upon request*Other configurations are available upon requestGSW TOMMANIKIN%u00ae *OPTION ITEM # NSN #GSW TOMM 93-0040 6910-01-705-2593GSW TOMM (w/Leg Amputation) 93-0369 6910-01-705-3130GSW TAMikin%u2122 *** 93-0039GSW TAMikin%u2122 ***(w/Leg Amputation) 93-03814123MADE INAmerICA