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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE112 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTRapid Access Casualty Extraction Subterranean KitRESCUE | Rope KitsR.A.C.E. SUB-TSubterraneanDeep Hydro | CaveMountain | Rough Terrain Access | EvacClass B & C Canyon | SlotMountain | JungleSpecifically designed for full-spectrum vertical operations within harsh environments%u2022 Ultra-Lightweight Components%u2022 Hydrophobic Software%u2022Innate requisite variety (redundancy)%u2022 Easy sustainment%u2022 HRO (High Reliability Organizing) Engineered%u2022 Scalable based on mission context, organic assets, & end-user%u2022 Resilient to environmental pathology%u2022 Capability focused - up to Technician Level JPR%u2019s (Job Performance Requirements)%u2022 Meets and exceeds operational requirements of SOF CASEVAC ProgramSPECIFICATIONS H 15 in. x W 10 in. x D 7.5 in.Weight: 10 lb 8 ozR.A.C.E. SUB-T CONTENTS: 120cm HMPE Sling1QTYSPECIFICATIONS H 6.5 in. x W 6 in. x D 3.5 in. Weight: 3.75 lb Oval Auto-lock Carabiner1QTY 22ft 1in.NylonTubular Webbing1QTY 16ft 6mmTRC Cord1QTY 150ft8mmHAVOC Rope1QTY H-Frame Auto-lockCarabinerw/Pulley1QTY HMS Auto-lock Carabiner3QTY RopeEdge Guard1QTY Ascender/ Rope Clamp1QTY Oval Auto-lockCarabiner w/Wire Eye1QTY 7mmVT Prusik1QTY7mmScrew Link1QTY Pulleywith Rope Grab1QTY TotemDecent Control Device1QTY R.A.C.E.Nylon Bag - MTC1QTY MagnaPulley7/16 in. w & w/o Beckett1QTYSmall Pulley PairFLIGHT RISK KIT%u2022 Ultra-lightweight, compact rescue, and emergency egress / bail-out modular system that easily fits within pocket, bag, or harness%u2022 Auto-Locking F3 Descent device engineered with a double-action lever to give a brake assist in the event of a panic grab%u2022 Gives the end-user a rapid, smooth, and safe egress capability %u2022 Counter-balance casualty evacuation capability 120cm HMPE Sling1QTYFLIGHT RISK KIT CONTENTS: 75ft 6.8mmRIT900Cord1QTY F3Anti-PanicDescent Device1QTY HMS Auto-lock Carabiner1QTY Oval Auto-lockCarabiner w/Wire Eye1QTY IPOK Nylon Holder-BLK1QTYITEM #90-5003FLIGHT RISK KITITEM #90-5002R.A.C.E. SUB-T
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