Page 108 - Demo
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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORT108 | %u2022 888-689-6277OLYMPUS%u2122 SERIESEngineered for rough terrain%u2022Ideal rope for use in challenging and abusive environments such as canyoneering, mountaineering and caving%u2022 Durable, lightweight, great handling ropes offering reliability in all weather conditions such as rain, salt water or -40%u00b0F%u2022 Easy to knot, store & deploy with low stretch/high strength-to-weight ratio %u2013 wet or dry%u2022 Thick, highly twisted Technora sheath for added strength and excellent abrasion resistance with ultra-lightweight, strong Innegra%u2122 core for reliable strength, durability & flotation whether wet, dry or contaminated%u2022 Remains buoyant even with a 62% Technora sheathSPECIFICATIONS Diameter%u0009 9.5 mmWeight: 3.82 lb/100 ftTensile Strength: 5,495 lbf (24.4 kN)Fibers (core/sheath): Innegra%u2122/TechnoraSheath Ratio: 62% TechnoraLENGTH ITEM #100 ft. 90-1401200 ft. 90-2404300 ft. 90-3401OLYMPUS%u2122 SERIESPEGASUS ROPES%u00aeMADE INAmerICAPEGASUS cores are all designed with Innegra%u2122 S, a new and innovative advanced fiber that gives Pegasus ropes the same physical & mechanical properties %u2013 whether wet, dry or exposed to chemicals. This breakthrough technology has an impressive strength-to-weight ratio, making it the lightest structural fiber available today.%u2022 Ultra-lightweight%u2022 High Strength%u2022 Hydrophobic%u2022 UV Stable%u2022 Chemically Inert%u2022 Cut Resistant%u2022 Low Creep%u2022 Bouyant%u2022 Low Dielectric
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