Page 115 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 115RESCUE | High Threat ExtractionRAT STRAPRescue Assault TetherEX-TRACT STRAPPoint of Wounding ExtractionDRAGON HARNESSUnder the Vest HarnessDRAGON HANDLETool offering head/feet first dragsHASTY HARNESS Multi-purpose Harness%u2022 For head/feet first linear drags during shield-assisted, openfield/indoor-corridor rescues or single-rescuer extractions %u2022Innovative Daisy Chain configuration offers multiple reinforced attachment pointsITEM # NSN #90-0002 6530-01-632-7872RAT STRAPSPECIFICATIONS Pkg: H 1 in. x W 4 in. x D 5.5 in.Extended: L 62 in.Minimum Break Strength: 2,702 lbWeight: 12.7 oz%u2022 Point of wounding extraction%u2022 Back pack carry%u2022 Hasty harness for traditional and confined space lowering and haulingSPECIFICATIONS Pkg: H 18 in. x W 3.5 in. x D 1 in. Extended: L 58 in.Weight: 9.3 oz%u2022 Built-in handle system for immediate high threat extraction %u2022 Operator harness to aid in the rescue of downed personnel without the need to holster or sling weapons %u2022 Prevents the %u201cride up%u201d of the casualty%u2019s ballistic vest, reducing exposed, unprotected body regionsITEM #90-0003DRAGON HARNESSSPECIFICATIONS Height: 20 in. from waist to non-deployed handle Length: 14 in. from harness attachment point to top of handle Weight: 1 lb 1.6 oz.Waist Size: 30 in. to 45 in.Patent 7,467,419%u2022 Maintain an anatomically correct posture for rapidly extracting greater weight%u2022 Decreases manpower needs in %u201czeroed in%u201d locations%u2022 Black Omega, non-locking %u201cD%u201d carabiner rated for 31kN (6,968.8 lb).SPECIFICATIONS H 6.3 in. x W 4.1 in. x D 2.25 in.Weight: 11.3 ozDevice Length: L 42 in.Patent 8,016,335%u2022Indispensable gear for every webbing equipment toolbox %u2022 Resourceful, multi-purpose harness for unlimited applications & maximum versatility%u2022 Constructed of 22 ft loop of 1 in. Tech Tape (MBS: 4,400 lb) with opposing color thread to aid in visual safety inspectionHASTY HARNESS SPECIFICATIONS Loop: L 10 ft 11 in. x W 1 in.Circumference - 21 ft 10 in.Min. Break Str: Tech%u00a0Tape (4,400 lb) Sewn Sling (6,000 lb)ITEM # NSN #90-0004 6530-01-598-9595DRAGON HANDLEITEM #90-0082EX-TRACT STRAPCOLOR ITEM # NSN #Red 90-0044 ----Black 90-0001 6530-01-674-9774*NATO NSN*MADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICA