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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE106 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORT PEGASUS ROPES%u00ae%u00aeHAVOC Assault Rope SeriesEngineered to counter the pathologies innate to the following environments and/or mission sets:%u2022 Mountain/Rough Terrain Movement & Evacuation%u2022 Urban Access, Extraction, & Rescue%u2022 Waterborne/Maritime Access & Rescue%u2022 Cave/Subterranean Response%u2022 Snow/Ice Rescue%u2022 Shipboard Response, Rescue, & Evacuation%u2022 Canyon Movement & Rescue (Class B & C)%u2022 Confined Space Rescue%u2022 Wilderness SAR%u2022 Wildland REMS%u2022 Rescue Task Force (RTF)North American Rescue&Edelrld,the industry leader in rope manufacturing with 150 years of experience, have joined forces with multi-disciplinary vertical specialists to innovate the most tenacious small diameter rope on the market today %u2013 engineered to counter the most severe environmental pathologies found throughout full-spectrum operations... whether at work or at play. The unique material engineering of the HAVOC core, specifically it%u2019s Innegra%u2122 Braided Fiber Core Integration, provides superior durability, low fatigue properties, an extremely low specific gravity, and superior resistance to the harshest contaminates (acids, bases, and organic solvents). The novel tensioning and fiber refinement techniques utilized within the 12-braid lnnegra%u2122 core amplfies its overall robustness and resilience providing an operational rope which acts as a counter-measure to anticipated environmental challenges. This specialized core of the HAVOC is protected by a higher density, precision double-braided Technora sheath to synergistically interface with the core for optimized strength, elongation, decreased creep, heat resistance, and operational safety. To reinforce and exceed the abrasion resistance, cut resistance, and overall durability, the HAVOC Rope Series strategically bulked up the sheath percentageof each rope while maintaining a tightly weaved snag-free exterior partnershjp with
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