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21 | NAR Simulation Sales %u2022 866-839-3455 %u2022 manikins@NARescue.comPre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F10TCCC SKILLS SYSTEMAll Combatant%u2022 All the necessary tactical medical and casualty extraction/evacuation equipment needed when teaching the TCCC %u2013 All Combatant Skills required tasks for completing the Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) course%u2022 A turnkey solution for training centers and educational institutions designed to equip up to twenty-five (25) students%u2022 Complete system consists of three selfcontained Hard Storage Case modules: Skill Stations | IFAKS | EvacuationSPECIFICATIONS Hard Storage Case: External %u2013 L 32.5 in. x W 21 in. x D 13 in.Internal %u2013 L 29 in. x W 18 in. x D 10 in.Weights: TCCC Skills Set: 55 lb TCCC IFAK Skills Set: 70 lb TCCC Evacuation Skills Set: 50 lb%u2022 Train up to twenty-five (25) students at individual skill stations in the treatment of: %u2022 Hard case packed with Twenty-five (25) pre-packed Training IFAKs for use during trauma lanes or training scenariosTCCC SKILLS SET & IFAK SKILLS SET MODULES: UNIT ITEM #TCCC Skills set 80-0968TCCC IFAK Skills Set 80-0969TCCC IFAK Skills Kit 85-1958TCCC IFAK Resupply* 80-1028TCCC Evac Skills Set 80-09713 Modules 80-0970TCCC SKILLS SYSTEMTCCC SKILLS SETAll CombatantTRAINING | TCCC All Combatant Training Modules C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet, Trainer25QTY NAR ETD%u00ae6 in. Flat25QTY GauzeS-Rolled25QTYCombatGauze%u00ae Trainer25QTY HyFin%u00aeTrainer, Twin Pk12QTYARS%u00aeNeedle, 14G10QTYNitrileGloves, Lg25PAIR PermanentMarker, Large5QTY CombatCasualty Card25QTY SurgicalTape, 2 in.6 QTYHPMK%u00ae 1QTY TriangularBandage6QTY SAM%u00aeSplint II6QTY PESEye Shield10QTY SharpsShuttle2QTYTCCCIFAK Skills Kit25QTY* TCCC IFAK Resupply Kit contains all components of the IFAK Skills Kit, excluding the Nylon BagIFAK KITSPECIFICATIONS H 7 in. x W 4.5 in. x D 2.75 in.Weight: 2 lb 8 ozTCCC IFAK SKILLS SET All Combatant%u2022 Extremity hemorrhage%u2022 Wound packing%u2022 Chest seal application%u2022 Needle chest decompression%u2022 Basic airway adjuncts%u2022 Splinting%u2022 Hypothermia prevention & management%u2022 Eye injuries%uf074TCCC IFAK KitsContain qty 1 ea. of the TCCC Skills Set componentsNot included in IFAK skills Kits