Page 23 - Demo
P. 23 %u2022 866-839-3455 %u2022 NAR Simulation Sales | 22%u2022 Various high threat extraction devices and casualty evacuation systems to train students in different options to move casualties during the all three TCCC Phases of Care%u2022 Packaged in a self-contained, wheeled, rigid case that allows for easy transport and storage%u2022 Contains pre-packed 5 CLS kits for use by students during trauma lanes or training scenarios%u2022 Each CLS Kit contains the necessary equipment for initial TCCC %u2013 CLS care in the standard Army CLS bag with the standard Army CLS packing list%u2022Individual kits come packed in Squad Responder Bag - Multicam: NAR%u2019s alternative to the US Army Combat Lifesaver BagTCCC EVACUATION SKILL SET MODULE: TCCC EVACUATION SKILLS SETTCCC CLS KIT SKILLS SETTCCC All Combatant Training Modules | TRAINING Talon%u00ae90C Litter1QTY HastyHarness1QTYRat%u2122Strap1QTY DragonHandle System1QTY CarabinerNon-locking1QTY R.E.E.L. Litter Black1QTY HPMK%u00ae 1QTYTCCC CLS Training Set | TRAININGC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet2QTYCombatGauze%u00ae Trainer2QTYSterile DryBurn Cravat3QTYTCCC CLS SKILLS KITS: SPECIFICATIONS Hard Storage Case:External - L 32.5 in. x W 21 in. x D 13 in.Internal - L 29 in. x W 18 in. x D 10 in.Kits:Packaged: L 12 in. x W 10 in. x D 8 in.Open Length: 37.5 in.Weight: 8.6 lbsUNIT ITEM #TCCC CLS Kit Skills Set 80-1212TCCC CLS Skills Kit 80-1199TCCC CLS Skillls Set & KitFOX EyeShield4QTYNAR AlcoholPrep Pad6QTYBear Claw Gloves, Lg Tan4PAIRPermanentMarker, Small2QTYModel 8Rescue Hook1QTYScissorLeash%u21222QTYFirst LightTORQ w/ batt.1QTY1QTYTraumaShears, Lg2%u201d NAR%u00aeSurgical Tape2 HyFin%u00aeTrainer, Twin Pk2QTY6%u201d ElasticBandage1QTYSAM%u00aeSplint II1QTYARS%u00aeNeedle, 14G2QTYBlizzardSurvival Blanket1QTYNAR ReadyHeat 4-Cell6%u201d Emergency 1Bandage2TCCC Foldable Card 2Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28FNAR%u00ae Gauze, 1Compressed2