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                                    15 | NAR Simulation Sales %u2022 866-839-3455 %u2022 manikins@NARescue.comLITTLE BIRD MH-6MH-6 LITTLE BIRD TRAINING SIMULATOROPTION ITEM # NSN#MH-6 93-0295 ---WATER MH-6 93-0293 ---Features:%u2022 Realistic crew securing landmarks, allowing securing of patients%u2022 Reinforced Rings%u2022 Internal fuel tank%u2022 Day or night operations%u2022 High-powered amplifier and speakers to simulate aircraft noise%u2022 High-powered fans simulate rotor wash%u2022 Aircraft lighting (white, green/ blue)%u2022 Sensory Control Unit included%u2022 All functions are controlled via a NARS Tablet (included)%u2022 Submersible version available for aquatic environmentsThe Little Bird is a portable (reusable), MH-6 size helicopter cabin simulator. It provides a realistic, multi-purpose, platform that accurately depicts real-life extrication situations and enhances medical training in crash scenarios.The Little Bird, used in conjunction with the TOMManikin and Sensory Control Unit (SCU), provides total integration between the simulated cabin and the environmental factors that can be applied to enhance any training scenario.The front compartment features an entanglement trap for the TOMManikin (both pilot and co-pilot). Little Bird has %u201cextractable%u201d doors, providing a realistic obstacle to emergency extractions. To add a sense of stress and the element of surprise to the careunder-fire and extraction experience, the portable NARS Sensory Control Unit (SCU) applies environmental distractions to a training scenario. Remotely controlled via an included NAR Sim tablet, training cadre can introduce, and vary the intensity of, noise and smoke (fogger). %uf081%uf083Water MH-6 shown with Water TOMManikin%u00aeDimensions:L 12 ft. x H 7 ft. x W 6 ft.Weight: 700 LBS
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