Page 80 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTNylon Bag Option:%u2022 Easy to restock in cases of use %u2022 Convenient to carry and easy to open in stressful situations%u2022 Opens flat for ease of use and immediate identification of enclosed devices%u2022 Easily recognizable red nylon bag with ample hook & loop field for attaching an ID patchVacuum Sealed Option:%u2022 Cost-effective alternative to Nylon%u2022 Compact and rugged Vacuum-Sealed pouch%u2022 Large Identifying Card Vacuum-Sealed inside the pouch for ease of identification80 | %u2022 888-689-6277 Department of Defense IndividualBLEEDING CONTROL RESPONSE KITS SPECIFICATIONS Nylon Bag: H 7 in. x W 5 in. x D 2.75 in.Vacuum Sealed: H 7 in. x W 5 in. x D 2.75 in.BLEEDING CONTROL RESPONSEC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1QTYEvery D-BCRKINDIVIDUAL BLEEDING CONTROL RESPONSE KIT:PLUS these Individual Components based upon configuration of choice: BASIC INTERMEDIATEHyFin%u00aeVent, Twin Pk1QTY ADVANCEDHyFin%u00aeVent, Twin Pk1QTYCombat Gauze%u00ae Z-fold1QTYNAR GauzeS-Rolled1QTYNAR GauzeS-Rolled1QTYNAR GauzeS-Rolled1QTYETD%u00ae 6 in.Dressing1QTY NitrileGloves, Lg2PAIR TraumaShears, Lg1QTYD-BCRK INDIVIDUAL KITSLEVEL BAG WEIGHT ITEM #Basic Red Nylon 15 oz 85-2057Intermediate Red Nylon 16.5 oz 85-2058Advanced Red Nylon 17.4 oz 85-2059Basic Vacuum Sealed 11.7 oz 85-1749Intermediate Vacuum Sealed 13.25 oz 85-2066Advanced Vacuum Sealed 14 oz 85-2069D-BCRK%u2022Individual Bleeding Control Response Kit designed to provide essential equipment that empowers DOD Forces and Federal Employee responders in public areas to take immediate action in stopping life threatening bleeding.%u2022 Contained in a ruggedized, nylon carry bag or vacuumsealed pouch%u2022 Provides intuitive and easy-to-use tools that are proven to help to save lives%u2022 Available configurations: Basic, Intermediate, & AdvancedIndividual Kits %u2022 8-Packs %u2022 Wall StationsAlso available at Individual Clear Polycarbonate Wall Cabinet*Resupply & Hard Case kits available at NARescue.comTRAUMA & FIRST AID KITSClass A & B%u2022 Kits exceed ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021 Standards for Class A & B%u2022 Kits exceed the ANSI and OSHA standards by adding additional bleeding control elements %u2022 Designed to be easily carried to the patient%u2019s sideSPECIFICATIONS CLASS A: L 14.75 in. x H 8 in. x D 4 in. Weight: 2.94 lb CLASS B: L 14.75 in. x H 8 in. x D 7.5 in. Weight: 4.87 lbCLASS LEVEL ITEM #A Cmp. Gauze 80-0947A w/ BCD 80-1045A w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1477B Cmp. Gauze 80-0948B w/ BCD 80-1047B w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1478TRAUMA & FIRST AID KITSShop Workplace Medical Kits %uf075