Page 84 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE84 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTSPECIFICATIONS Folded: H 45.5 in. x W 7.5 in. x D 8 in.Open: 90 in. x W 22.5 in. x D 6 in.Weight: %u00a016 lb 8 oz (7.5 kg)Static Payload: 2,000 lb%u00a0(909 kg) Ground Clearance: 1.5 in.U.S. Patents: 6,842,923 5,598,592, Patent(s) PendingRigid Litters | TACEVACTALON %u00ae II 90CITEM# NSN#60-0002 6530-01-504-905160-0002-EUTALON II 90C LITTERSPECIFICATIONS Folded w/handles collapsed: H 20.5 in. x W 8.5 in. x D 9.5 in.Open w/handles collapsed: L 78 in. x W 22.5 in. x D 6 in.Open w/handles extended: L 90 in. x W 22.5 in. x D 6 in.Weight: 15 lb 6 oz (6.97 kg)Static Payload: 1,800 lb%u00a0(816 kg)Ground Clearance: 1.5 in.U.S. Patents: 6,842,923 & 5,598,592, Patent(s) PendingCollapsible Handle Litter%u2022 Standard 90 in. NATO-compatible evacuation platform %u2022 Developed to U.S. Army requirements %u2022 Certified Safe-to-Fly U.S. Army Rotary Wing %u2022 Retractable, ergonomic handles and automatic locking hinges %u2022 Slip-resistant, chemicalresistant rip-stop fabric tested & approved by Federal & private labs using live warfare agentsAdvanced, innovative combat evacuation system features portable quad-fold design, retractable handles, six IV-attachment points and two patient securing straps RAVEN%u00ae 90CBi-fold LitterT3%u2122 LITTERLightweight, Assault%u2022 The official litter of the U.S. Navy and certified safe-to-fly by the U.S. Air Force%u2022 Bifold design for reliable long-term storage %u2022 Ergonomically designed handles %u2022 Slip-resistant, chemical-resistant, rip-stop fabric tested & approved by Federal & private labs using live warfare agents %u2022Includes 6 IV-attachment points and 2 patient-securing strapsITEM# NSN#60-0001 6530-01-432-511460-0001-EU -----RAVEN 90C LITTER%u2022 Ultra light, ultra strong litter weighing less than 12 lb%u2022 Specifically designed for Special Operations Forces %u2022 Provides maximum maneuverability during TACEVAC in urban terrains %u2022 Overall length of 81 in. enables floor loading on a UH-60 helicopter %u2022 2 straps for securing patients %u2022 Ergonomically designed handles %u2022 Quad-fold design for maximum cube space storageITEM#60-0022T3 LITTERSPECIFICATIONS Folded: H 21 in. x W 8.75 in. x D 7.25 inOpen: L 81 in. x W 22.5 in. x D 6 in.Weight: 11 lb 13 oz (5.34 kg)Static Payload: 1,200 lb%u00a0(544.3 kg)Ground Clearance: 1.5 in.