Page 75 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 75NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1CELOX%u2122 Gauze Z-fold2 14G ARS%u00aeNeedle Decomp.2Combat Gauze%u00ae Z-Fold2 14G ARS%u00aeNeedle Decomp.2SPECIFICATIONS H 18 in. x W 8 in. x D 2 in.Weight: 6.3 lb%u2022 Slim profile trauma aid pack designed for the K9 Handler or Tracking Team member %u2022 Carries a minimum of two complete sets of IFAK contents along with K9 medical supplies%u2022 Carriage options include single bandolier style sling strap as well as detachable waist strap%u2022 Two tear away internal panels hold standard IFAK contents%u2022 Two additional tear away clear accessory pouches to store additional equipment%u2022Internal shock cord area to hold K9 Litter%u2022 External MOLLE on sides of bag for external tourniquet pouches%u2022 Large exterior loop panel for ID patchesOPTION ITEM #S-Rolled Gauze 80-1027with Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1026with CELOX%u2122 Gauze 80-1421Advanced with Combat Gauze%u00ae 80-1422*Advanced with CELOX%u00ae Gauze 80-1423*K-9 RUF KITCan be worn with single bandolier style sling strap as well as with a detachable waist strapBag only option also available at NARescue.comK-9 RUF KITSlimline Aid Pack ideal for K9 Handler or Tracking Team M%u2022%u2022%u2022 ASS VI E HEMORRHAGE%u2022%u2022%u2022R%u2022%u2022%u2022 ESP RI ATORYSUPPORT%u2022%u2022%u2022KIT CAPABILITIES INCLUDE:%u2022%u2022 T%u2022 REATMENTSUPPORT %u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022TACEVAC%u2022%u2022%u2022K-9 RUF KIT:ORORORORADVANCED with COMBAT GAUZE%u00ae also includes:COMBAT GAUZE%u00aealso includes:BASICalso includes:PLUS+ CELOX%u00aeGAUZE also includes:ADVANCED with CELOX%u00ae GAUZE also includes:MADE INAmerICAPre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F2Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F2C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet2 HyFin%u00ae Vent Compact, Twin Pk1 NAR%u00ae GauzeS-Rolled2NAR%u00ae GauzeS-Rolled2ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing2 PetrolatumGauze2NAR AlcoholPrep Pads8 NAR%u00aeK-9 Litter1 Tactical Muzzle1 PESEye Shield2 Splinter Forceps, 4.5%u201d1Veterinary Thermometer1 Veterinary Tape 2 in.1 Responder Black Gloves, LG4EmergencySurvival Wrap1 PermanentMarker, Large1 Patch, 2%u201d x 2%u201d Gray/Black1Combat Gauze%u00ae Z-Fold2 CELOX%u2122 Gauze Z-fold2*Advanced Kits are