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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE8 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTMASSIVE HEMORRHAGE | TQ Accessories Laser Cut C-A-T%u00ae HOLDER%u2022 Constructed with laser cut laminated Cordura%u00aenylon%u2022 Easy, one-handed deployment%u2022Integrated cover with snug, elastic pull-tab%u2022 Super durable, yet 50% lighter than traditional nylon TQ holders%u2022 Designed & built to easily integrate with new USDoD lasercut body armor (PCG3 and MSV)%u2022 PALS/MOLLE-style connectionsSPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 7.25 in. x W 2.75 in. x D 1.5 in.Weight: 1.29 ozRIGID C-A-T%u00aeTQ CASE%u2022 Allows carriage of a Gen 7 C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet on your duty/patrol/pistol belt (Tourniquets sold separately)%u2022 Shirt Shield protects uniform shirts from undue friction wear%u2022 Blade-Tech TekLok Belt Attachment fits up to a 2.25 in. belt%u2022 Can be mounted either vertically or horizontally, or to a Safariland Drop-leg Shroud%u2022Injection Molded Nylon Case stands up to rugged military usage%u2022 Cross medical identifier patch included%u2022 Holds the C-A-T%u00ae Tourniquet (Gen 7) utilizing friction (Tourniquet sold separately)%u2022 Designed with built-in Shirt Shield that creates a barrier between your body, shirt, and the exposed portion of your tourniquet%u2022 Drainage hole at bottom of case%u2022 Offers a range of adjustment%u2022 Available Mounting Options %u2013 1.5%u201d and 1.75%u201d IWB Overhook (included) designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA.COLOR ITEM #Black 80-1488Gray 80-1489RIGID CAT TQ CASECOLOR ITEM #Black 30-0297Coyote 30-0298Ranger Green 30-0299OD Green 30-0556OCP 30-0306LASER CUT CAT HOLDERwith Shirt ShieldExplore other TQ carrier options available at NARescue.comCOLOR ITEM #Black 80-0944Coyote 80-0945Ranger Green 80-0946RIGID CAT TQ CASESPECIFICATIONS H 5.88 in. x W 2.5 in. x D 2 in.Weight: 5.36 ozMADE INAmerICASPECIFICATIONS Packaged: L 5 in. x W 3.25 in. x D 1.625 in.Weight: 3.0 ozMADE INAmerICARIGID C-A-T%u00ae INSIDE-THE-WAISTBAND TOURNIQUET CASERigid Case MOLLE ATTACHMENTITEM #ZZ-1696SPECIFICATIONS H 4 in. x W 1 in. x D 0.5 in.Weight: 0.4 oz.MADE INAmerICA