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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE12 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTTRACHEAL TUBE  with FLANGEPRE-INSERTED BOUGIE INTRODUCERPILOT BALLOON with DEPTH GAUGEINFLATABLE  DISTAL CUFFBAC-PACK %u2122Bougie-Aided Cricothyrotomy PackNAR%u00ae Cricothyrotomy Kit withBOUGIE INTRODUCERITEM #10-0052BAC-PACK%u2022 All-in-one cricothyroidotomy kit for use in any environment%u2022 Pre-inserted bougie in tube allows for a more rapid, easy procedure%u2022 Tube meets TCCC recommendations for bougieaided open surgical technique%u2022 #10 Scalpel included for safety and ease of use%u2022 Small, durable pouch keeps the items organized and ready to use%u2022 Lightweight and ruggedized%u2022 Components configured by order of use%u2022 Scalpel, tube, syringe all provided sterile%u2022 Patent pendingINCLUDED IN THE BAC-PACK: 2pkGauze  Pads 4%u201dx 4%u201dQTY Swab, 1ChloraPrepQTY1#10ScalpelQTY1 TrachTubeSecuring StrapQTY1 SyringeLuer-Lock, 10ccQTY1 Prep Pad AlcoholFor External Use OnlyNAR Alcohol Prep PadZZ-0066Distributed By:Manufacturer: China SurgicalDressings Center Co., LTD.Address: No. 21, Lane 424,Sec. 6, Changnan Rd.,FuTien Li Changwa City,Taiwan 500Tel: 886-4-732-1239REV051421Read carefully before use and follow instruction for usage.Contents: CSD Alcohol Prep Pad saturated with 75% Ethanol Alcohol.Purpose: For cleansing, sterilization and bacteriostasis on device.Use on skin surface before instrusive examination.Warning: FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.(Avoid eyes, lips, and other mucous membrane zones.)QTY1 Cric Kit w/Bougie, 6mmQTY Tracheal 1 Hook, NARQTY1 Pouch, Nylon,RolledQTY1Insert abougieAdvance tube b& inflate cuffRemove bougie c%u2022 Convenient device that gives the user a pre-inserted bougie for introduction of the tube into the trachea and indication of correct placement prior to insertion%u2022 Adjustable for maximum user preference%u2022 Latex free tube features 6.0mm inner diameter and inflatable cuff%u2022 Contains the same preferred flexible tube as NAR's Tactical CricKit%u00aeSPECIFICATIONS Tube diameter: Inner: 6.0mm | Outer: 8.0mmTube length: 67.0mmPackaged: L 5.5 in. x H 3.625 in. x D 0.5 in.Weight: 0.84 ozITEM #10-0048CRICOTHYROTOMY KITWITH BOUGIEAIRWAY MANAGEMENTSTERILESPECIFICATIONS Packaged: H 8 in. x W 4 in. x D 1.75 in.Weight: 5.2 ozU.S. Patents: PendingMADE INAmerICA
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