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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE10 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORT%u2022 Celox%u2122 blood clotting products have very high surface area chitosan flakes%u2022 When they come in contact with blood, Celox%u2122 swells, gels, and sticks together to make a gel like plug%u2022 Celox%u2122 blood clotting agent does not set off the normal clotting cascade, it only clots the blood it comes directly into contact withSPECIFICATIONS Standard Gauze: L 12 ft x W 3 in.Packaged: H 5 in. x W 5.5 in. x D 0.625 in. Weight: 0.8 ozXL Gauze: L 4 yd x W 4 in. (2 ply)Packaged: H 6.5 in. x W 6.5 in. x D 0.75 in. Weight: 1.75 ozSIZE ITEM # NSN #Standard 30-0039 6510-01-562-3325XL 30-0070 6510-01-600-4705COMBAT GAUZECOMBAT GAUZE%u00ae QuikClot Z-Fold Hemostatic%u2022 Sterile, non-woven Z-fold gauze impregnated with kaolin for temporary external control of bleeding from penetrating trauma%u2022 Effective, simple and safe to use on wounds not amenable to tourniquet application%u2022 Flexible & pliable, contours to all wounds %u2022 Does not generate heat%u2022Individually wrapped in easy-rip, military-grade pouch%u2022 Features an embedded x-ray detectable stripCHITOGAUZE%u00aeSee page 166 for information on the Combat Gauze%u00aeTrainer VersionCELOX%u2122RAPIDITEM # NSN #30-0069 6510-01-623-9903CELOX RAPIDSPECIFICATIONS Gauze: W 3 in. x 5 ftPackaged: H 5.25 in. x W 4.25 in. x D 0.5 in.Weight: 1.1 ozSTERILEOPTION ITEM # NSN #XR Pro 30-0049 6510-01-591-7740XR2 Pro 30-0265 ---CHITOGAUZESPECIFICATIONS Gauze: L 12 ft x W 3 in.Packaged: H 6 in. x W 5 in. x D 0.65 in. Weight: 0.8 ozSTERILEMASSIVE HEMORRHAGE | HemostaticsSPECIFICATIONS 5 ft Option: Packaged: H 5.25 in. x W 4.25 in. x D 0.5 in.Gauze: W 3 in. x L 5 ft Weight: 1.1 oz10 ft Option: Packaged: H 6.75 in. x W 4.25 in. x D 0.75 in.Gauze: W 3 in. x L 10 ft Weight: 2.1 ozSTERILELENGTH ITEM # NSN #5 ft 30-0064 6510-01-623-991010 ft 30-0065 6510-01-619-8636CELOXTM Z-FOLD HEMOSTATIC GAUZECELOXTM Z-FOLD Hemostatic GauzeSee page 166 for information on the CELOXTM Z-Fold Trainer VersionSTERILEMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICA%u2022Includes Embedded X-Ray detectable line%u2022 Z-fold configuration allows for controlled application%u2022 Used as a wound packing gauze, as a backing gauze for hemostatic agents, or in conjunction with a compression bandage for hemmorrhage control SPECIFICATIONS Gauze: W 3 in. x L 5 ydPackaged: L 3 in. x W 2 in. x D 1 in.Weight: 1.2 ozSTERILE REDTIPNAR%u00ae WOUND PACKING GAUZEITEM # NSN #30-0054 6510-01-695-5824WOUND PACKING GAUZE
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