Page 69 - Demo
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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 69ECRKSPECIFICATIONS Case closed: H 17 in. x W 16.5 in. x D 10 in.Weight: 18 lb ITEM # NSN #80-0889 ----ECRKExpeditionary Casualty Response KitKIT CAPABILITIES INCLUDE:M%u2022%u2022%u2022 ASS VI E HEMORRHAGE%u2022%u2022%u2022R%u2022%u2022%u2022 ESP RI ATORYSUPPORT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 A RI WAYMANAGEMENT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 T%u2022 REATMENTSUPPORT %u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 R%u2022 ESCUE EQUIPMENT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022TACEVAC%u2022%u2022%u2022H%u2022%u2022%u2022 YPOTHERMIAPREVENTION%u2022%u2022%u2022EXPEDITIONARY CASUALTY RESPONSE KIT:%u2022 Constructed of 500D Cordura%u00ae solution dyed nylon%u2022 Sand- and water-resistant, self repairing zippers with silent 550 pull cords%u2022 Separate lid compartment for the R.E.E.L. Non-Rigid Litter%u2022 Six segregated removable pouches secured by hook and loop: > 4 x Internal Bleed Pouches with Red pull handle> 1 x Airway Pouch with Blue pull handle> 1 x Accessories Pouch with Coyote pull handle%u2022 2 internal lid pouches to secure additional medical products%u2022 2 external side pouches on either side of the kit for additional medical products%u2022 2 external straps with dual adjust MILSPEC IR reduced buckles to secure the kit in a vehicle or boatBag only #80-0888also available at NARescue.comLightweight platform to rapidly access and organize all your essential trauma management equipmentMADE INAmerICAC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet6REELLitter1 SAM%u00aeSplint II2AntisepticWipesQTY10 PermanentMarker, LargePES 2Eye Shield6 7 HookSafety Cutter1TriangularBandage2 6%u201d ElasticWrap Bandage3NAR%u00ae MiniDuct Tape2 CasualtyReference Card2%u201d NAR%u00ae 1Surgical Tape2BlizzardSurvival Blanket14G ARS%u00ae 1Needle Decomp.4Combat Gauze%u00ae Z-Fold4 NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed10HyFin%u00ae Chest Seal Combo Pk4QTYMinor BurnTec%u00ae Kit1QTYNitrileGloves, Lg6 CombatCasualty Card6ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing6 ETD%u00aeABD., 8 x 106Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F4NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1
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