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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE68 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTEODMKExplosive Ordnance Disposal Units Medical KitSPECIFICATIONS L 24 in. x W 15 in. x D 7 in.Weight: 20.3 lbs.ITEM # NSN #85-3158 ----EODMK%u2022 Meets the requirements for the Explosive Ordnance Disposal Units Medical Kit%u2022 Ergo dynamic, low profile & durable casualty response bag constructed of Berry Amendment 500D CORDURA%u00aesolution dyed nylon%u2022 GhillieTEX%u2122 hardware for near IR signature reduction and sand/water resistant, self repairing zippers with silent 550 cord pulls%u2022 Designed to be hung in aircraft or other transport vehicle by top bag handle%u2022 Featuring 6 hook-andloop clear vinyl internal pouches in various sizes which can be self labeled for the specific mission set; 4 smaller pouches for hemorrhage control products and 2 larger ones to accommodate airway & intravenous productsKIT CAPABILITIES INCLUDE:M%u2022%u2022%u2022 ASS VI E HEMORRHAGE%u2022%u2022%u2022R%u2022%u2022%u2022 ESP RI ATORYSUPPORT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 A RI WAYMANAGEMENT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 T%u2022 REATMENTSUPPORT %u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022 R%u2022 ESCUE EQUIPMENT%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022%u2022TACEVAC%u2022%u2022%u2022H%u2022%u2022%u2022 YPOTHERMIAPREVENTION%u2022%u2022%u2022Designed to meet the rigorous requirements of the U. S. Air Force Explosive Ordnance Disposal TeamsEXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL UNITS MEDICAL KIT:MADE INAmerICAC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet8 Combat Gauze%u00ae Z-Fold6 ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing4 ETD%u00ae Abd./Stump8QTYNAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed2HyFin%u00ae Vent Compact, Twin Pk1 HyFin%u00ae VentChest Seal, Twin Pk1 CELOX%u2122-AHemostatic App.4 Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F4 14G ARS%u00aeNeedle Decomp.6 CyclonePocket BVM1 6%u201d ElasticWrap Bandage1TriangularBandage2 EarPlugsSAM%u00ae 4Splint II2 NAR%u00aeHPMK%u00ae1 Survival Blanket1 BurnTec%u00ae5%u201dx10%u201d Dressing1 NitrileGloves, Lg8 PESEye Shield6REELLitter1 Ex-TractStrap1 7 HookSafety Cutter1 NAR%u00ae MiniDuct Tape, 2 in.2 AviationPanel1 TORQTactical Light1 CasualtyReference Card1 CombatCasualty Card4 PermanentMarker, LargeNAR%u00ae Trauma 1Shears, Lg1
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