Page 65 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 65%u2022 Naval & USCG Boat Response Aid Kits, respectively, meet the rigorous requirements of the U. S. Naval Ships, Military Sealift Command Ships, U.S. Coast Guard Ships and afloat commercial vessels.%u2022 Small, compact and rugged hard case%u2022 Airtight, Waterproof and Sealable%u2022 4 pouches for medical supplies: Bleed, ABD/Burn, Splint, and Eye%u2022 Utility pouch mounted to the lid of the box Pictured:85-0353USCG BOAT RESPONSE AID KIT:NAVAL BOAT RESPONSE AID KIT:OPTION ITEM # NSN #Naval Boat Response Aid Kit 80-0420 6545-01-648-3228Naval Boat Response Aid Box Only 80-0354 8115-01-656-8316USCG Boat Response Aid Kit 80-0353 6545-01-646-2623USCG Boat Response Aid Kit Resupply 85-3120 ----BOAT RESPONSE AID KITSFor additional information about these products designed for emergency medical care on military & commercial afloat vessels, contact North American Rescue or visit www.NARescue.comNaval | USCGBOAT RESPONSE AID KITSProvides Naval & USCG first responders with critical life saving equipment while at seaSPECIFICATIONS H 6 in. x W 14 in. x D 10 in.Weight: 8 lb 10 oz | Box Only: 5 lb. 6 oz.MADE INAmerICAC-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1 NAR%u00ae GauzeS-Rolled2 ETD%u00ae 6 in. DressingCombat 1Gauze%u00ae Z-Fold1 ETD%u00ae Abd./Stump1QTYSting & BiteAntiseptic2 BurnTec%u00ae4%u201dx4%u201d Dressing1 Water Jel%u00aeBurn Gel, 0.125 oz2 PESEye Shield1 2%u201d NAR%u00aeSurgical Tape1Eye Wash Solution, 4 oz.1 3%u201d ElasticWrap Bandage2 SAM%u00aeSplint II1 TriangularBandage2 Survival Blanket1 NAR%u00ae MiniDuct Tape, 2 in.1 HyFin%u00ae Chest Seal Combo Pk1QTYFlexibleFabric Bandages10 NAR TraumaShears, Lg1 Black Talon Nitrile Gloves, LG4PermanentMarker, Large1 NAR AlcoholPrep Pads4 7 HookSafety Cutter1 BacitracinOintment2 1.5 oz. Lip Ointment2 Electrolyte Drink Mix, 0.6 oz.2 Instant Cold CompressCPR Pocket 1Resuscitator1NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1 Surgical Lubricant1QTY BiologicalPPE Kit1QTYElasticBandage,3 in. 1QTYSAM%u00aeSplint II1QTYDry SterileBurn Dressing1QTYACECervical Collar1QTYBlizzardSurvival Blanket1QTYFox Eye Shield w/garter1QTYCPR Microshield Mask1QTYHyFin%u00aeVent. Twin Pk1QTY28F Naso Airway1QTYETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing1 ETD%u00ae Abd./Stump1QTY4%u201d x 4%u201d Gauze Pad 2 PK1CPR PocketResuscitatorC-A-T%u00ae 1Tourniquet2