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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE26 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORT%u2022 Contains the supplies and material necessary to perform a fresh, whole blood transfusion%u2022 Pairs with the Blood Surveillance Module, to test for ABO/Rh compatibility and testing for blood compatibility.FBTK BASICDONOR MODULECIRCULATION& Vascular AccessRECIPIENT MODULEITEM # NSN #83-0031 6515-01-707-3201ITEM # NSN #83-0029 6515-01-707-3174ITEM # NSN #83-0030 6515-01-707-3160LOW TITER O WHOLE BLOOD KITADMINISTRATION LTOWBSET-VCOLLECTION LTOWBSET-V%u2022 Best option for the management of casualties with hemorrhagic shock%u2022 Simplifies the tasks related to fresh whole blood transfusions%u2022 Reduces steps, supplies, material, and the time required%u2022 Prescreens to identify Type O Low Titer Donors in the operational forces%u2022 Helps pre-screening to identify type O low titer donors in the operational forces%u2022 All the supplies needed to collect blood from a LTOWB donor%u2022 All the supplies needed to administer blood collected from the LTOWB Collection Set-V to complete the field transfusion requirement.Contents:%u2022 1 x ASBP 572-EWB V29%u2022 1 x SF-518 Card%u2022 2x 16G 1.25 in. IV Catheter%u2022 2x Interlink Injection Site Adapter%u2022 1 x Y-Type IV Set w/ Filter%u2022 1 x 11 in. Beaded Cord (Marked at 6.5%u201d)%u2022 1 x IV Constricting Band%u2022 1 x 450ml Blood Bag (Single)%u2022 2x 4 in. x 5 in. Clear Dressing%u2022 1 x Blood Bag Sticker%u2022 2x Antimicrobial SwabsticksFBTK - BASICITEM #83-0022Dimensions: L 14 in. x W 9.5 in. Weight: 0.64 lbs.Dimensions: L 14 in. x W 9.5 in. Dimensions: L 14 in. x W 9.5 in. Contents:%u2022 2x 16G x 1.25 in. IV Catheter%u2022 2x Interlink Injection Site Adapter%u2022 1 x 11 in. Beaded Cord (Marked at 6.5%u201d)%u2022 1 x 450 ml Blood Bag%u2022 1 x 10 in. 550 Cord%u2022 2x Antimicrobial Swabsticks%u2022 1 x Constricting IV Band%u2022 2x 4 in. x 5 in. Clear Dressing%u2022 2x 4 in. x 4 in. Gauze Pad, 2 pk%u2022 1 x Bear Claw%u00ae Nitrile Gloves, Lg%u2022 1 x ASBP 572-EWB Card%u2022 1 x TCCC Card%u2022 1 x Blood Bag StickerContents:%u2022 2x 16G x 1.25 in. IV Catheter%u2022 2x Interlink Injection Site Adapter%u2022 1 x Y-Type IV Set w/ Filter%u2022 2x Needleless Connector Port%u2022 1 x 450 ml Blood Bag%u2022 1 x 11 in. Beaded Cord %u2022 1 x Constricting IV Band%u2022 1 x 10 in. 550 Cord%u2022 2x Antimicrobial Swabsticks%u2022 2x 4 in. x 5 in. Clear Dressing%u2022 2x 4 in. x 4 in. Gauze Pad, 2 pk%u2022 1 x Bear Claw%u00ae Nitrile Gloves, Lg%u2022 1 x 5.5 in. Kelly Hemostat (Disposable)%u2022 1 x 572-EWB ASBP Card%u2022 1 x Blood Bag Sticker%u2022 1 x TCCC CardWeight: 0.74 lbs.Weight: 0.6 lbs.MADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICASPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: L 14 in. x W 12 in.Weight: 0.7 lbs.MADE INAmerICANAR AlcoholPrep Pads5 4%u201d x 4%u201d Gauze Pad 2 PK1 ConstrictingIV Band14%u201d x 5%u201dClear Film Dressing1 NitrileGloves, Lg1 PermanentMarker, Large1Blood BagStickerBlood Bag 1Single, 450 ml1550 Cord10%u201d1 DonorCard16.5%u201d MarkedBeaded Cord14.25%u201d KellyHemostat (Disp.)1 572-EWBASBP Card1SurgicalTape, 1 in.4%u201d x 4%u201d 1 Gauze Pad 2 PK2ConstrictingIV Band1 4%u201d x 5%u201dClear Film Dressing1NitrileGloves, Lg1 PermanentMarker, Large1Y-Type IVSet w/Filter1 EldonCard1RecipientCardChloraprep 1Swabsticks, 3Pk1IV Catheter16G x 1.25%u201d1 IV Catheter18G x 1.25%u201d1QTY
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