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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE24 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORT4.25%u201d KellyHemostat (Disp.)1CIRCULATION& Vascular AccessDONORZZ-0849Donor REV01062017Placard1QTY550 Cord10 in.1QTY6.5%u201d MarkedBeaded Cord1QTY4%u201d x 4%u201dGauze Pad (2pk)2QTYConstrictingIV Band1QTY PermanentMarker, Large1QTYNAR AlcoholPrep Pad2QTY450ml BloodBag (Single)1QTYBLOOD BAG LABELBRN: Blood Type: Low Titer: YES NOCollection Time: Administration Time: Collected By: Administered By: REV121616 %u2022 ZZ-0836Blood BagSticker1QTYSurgicalTape, 1 in.QTY15mL Purple Top Vacutainer4QTY5mL Red Top Vacutainer2QTY21ga EclipseVacutainer Holder1QTY%u2022 Comprehensive kit designed for use with the Quantum Blood & Fluid Warming System allowing rapid, consistent normothermic field blood transfusion in far forward and near point of injury (POI) prehospital casualty management. %u2022Includes the Quantum Thermal Transfusion Set - (Blood) that incorporates an integrated heating system that does not disrupt the fluid path%u2022 Equipped with Donor/Recipient Modules to verify blood types of the donor and recipient%u2022 Also allows collecting of blood samples from the donor for additional surveillance testingSPECIFICATIONS L 10 in. x W 7 in. x D 2.5 in. Weight: 1.09 lbField Blood Transfusion Kit%u2122ITEM # NSN #83-0028 ---QUANTUM FIELD BLOOD TRANSFUSION KITQUANTUM FIELD BLOOD TRANSFUSION KIT CONTENTS:All the needed supplies to allow the user to rapidly perform a field blood transfusion as outlined in theJoint Theater Trauma System Clinical Practice GuidelinesEach Donor Module Kit contains:Each Recipient Module Kit contains:EldonCard1QTYRECIPIENTZZ-0850 REV01062017RecipientCard1QTY QuantumTTS-B Set1QTY Single Blood Bag1QTY Permanent Marker, Large1QTY6.5%u201d MarkedBeaded Cord1QTY DonorModule Kit1QTY RecipientModule Kit1QTYSF-518Card1QTY SurgicalTape, 1 in.QTY14%u201d x 4%u201dGauze Pad (2pk)2QTYIV Catheter16ga x 1.25%u201d1QTY550 Cord10 in.1QTYBear Claw Gloves, Lg Tan2PAIRBear Claw Gloves, Lg Tan1PAIRBear Claw Gloves, Lg Tan1PAIRIV Catheter18ga x 1.25%u201d1QTYConstrictingIV Band1QTYY-Type IVSet w/ Filter1QTY PermanentMarker, Large1QTYSurgicalTape, 1 in.QTY1MADE INAmerICA572-EWBASBP Card1572-EWBASBP Card1NAR AlcoholPrep Pads24%u201d x 5%u201dClear Film Dressing14%u201d x 5%u201dClear Film Dressing1Swabsticks,Antimicrobial2QTYSwabsticks,Antimicrobial2QTY4.25%u201d KellyHemostat (Disp.)1