Page 20 - Demo
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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE20 | %u2022 888-689-6277TREATMENT SUPPORTINSERTION SITES:Proximal Humerus (left or right)Proximal Tibia (left or right)Distal Tibia (left or right)Distal Femur (pediatric patients)Extension Tube & NeedleVISE%u00aeincluded in each needle set*SAM IO Adaptor is designed to accommodate alternative IO needle designs with the SAM IO DriverPRODUCT UNIT ITEM #Driver SIngle 30-0255Needle 15mm Single 30-0257Needle 15mm 5-Pack 30-0258Needle 25mm Single 30-0259Needle 25mm 5-Pack 30-0260Needle 45mm Single 30-0261Needle 45mm 5-Pack 30-0262Stabilizer Single 30-0263Stabilizer 5-Pack 30-0264Adaptor* Single 30-0253Training Kit Kit 30-0256Storage Case Single 30-0254SAM IO INTRAOSSEUS ACCESS SYSTEM / INDIVIDUAL ITEMSSAM%u00aeIO KIT %u2022 Designed for intuitive, effective IO placement %u2022Includes multi-use manually operated intraosseous access driver with passive ratcheting mechanism that rotates clockwise when resistance is encountered %u2022 Provides controlled insertion of the IO needle with a tactile feel of cortical penetration%u2022Includes 15 mm, 25 mm, and 45 mm Needle sets containing extension tubes and single-use sharps containment to address a broad range of patient demographics and multiple application sites%u2022 Featuring a stabilizer with cylinder design intended to protect the catheter from dislodgementSPECIFICATIONS H 7 in. x W 11.25 in. x D 5.5 in.Weight: 2.32 lbITEM #30-0307SAM IO KITSAM%u00ae IO Driver1QTYSAM%u00ae IO15mm Needle Set1QTYSAM%u00ae IO25mm Needle Set1QTYSAM%u00ae IO45mm Needle Set1QTYSAM%u00ae IOStabilizer1QTYNylonCarry Bag1QTYSAM IO KIT See item# below for additional SAM IO System components also available for purchase:Intraosseous AccessIncludes Custom Field Storage Casewith elastic loops for easy transportCIRCULATION & Vascular AccessMADE INAmerICANOTE: SAM-IO Training Kit also available - see page 167
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