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                                    INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 133POLYCARBONATE EYE SHIELD (PES)%u2022 Made of rigid, shatterproof polycarbonate%u2022 Meets CoTCCC treatment protocols for penetrating eye trauma%u2022 Holes allow air circulation%u2022 Accommodates either eye%u2022 Translucent orange color%u2022 Engraved %u201cTape over eye this side out. Nothing under shield%u201dUNIT ITEM # NSN #Single 30-0142 6515-01-647-5456Box of 100 30-0143 6515-01-630-5551POLYCARBONATE EYE SHIELDSPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: 3 in. x 2.38 in.Weight: 0.2 ozFOX EYE SHIELDWith Or Without Garter%u2022 Convex rigid eye shield made of Lightweight aluminum%u2022 Perforated to allow air circulation%u2022 Accommodates either eye%u2022 Meets CoTCCC treatment protocols for penetrating eye trauma%u2022 Available with garter to increase patient comfortSPECIFICATIONS 3 in. x 2.38 in.Weight: 0.2 ozSTYLE UNIT ITEM # NSN #No Garter Box of 12 30-0144 6515-01-449-1016Garter Single 30-0055 ----Garter Box of 50 30-5550 6515-01-598-1877FOX EYE SHIELDGRAY MANSmith Optics Elite%u2022 Low visibility Eyepro option with classic, subtle styling%u2022 Features full mil spec ballistic protection (Mil PRF 3103)%u2022 spring temples to resist day-to-day wear damage, adjustable nose pieces and Gun Metal Gray frame with gray lensesITEM #90-0068GRAY MAN EYEPROEye Care & Protection | TREATMENT SUPPORTMADE INAmerICASPECIFICATIONS Glasses: W 5. in. x H 2 in. x D 5 in.Case: L 6.625 in. x W 3 in. x H 2.5 in.Weight: 9 ozMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICA
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