Page 117 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 117GRIGRI 2 BELAY DEVICEITEM #ZZ-0545by Petzl%u00aeSPECS Rope Size: 8-11 mmWeight: 6 oz (170 g)Compact, ultra-light belay device allowing excellent control during the descent with assisted braking capabilityBASIC ASCENDERITEM #ZZ-0554by Petzl%u00aeSPECS Rope Size: 8-11 mmWeight: 3 oz (85 g)Compact ascender with excellent grip for rope ascent on a fixed line or as progress capture in a hauling systemREVERSO 4ITEM #ZZ-0546Belay/Rappel device by Petzl%u00aeSPECS Weight: 2.08 oz (59 g)Regulates the amount of braking friction on the rope according to diameter and conditionFOOTAPEAdjustable Foot Loop by Petzl%u00aeITEM #ZZ-0551SPECS Weight: 2.3 oz (65 g)Adjustable nylon foot loop for attachment to the BASIC rope clamp for rope ascents7MM VT PRUSIKFor use on personal ropes 8mm - 9.5mm in diameterITEM #90-4050SPECS Weight: 1.6 oz.Length: 33 in.Diameter: 7 mmThe VT Prusik is a versatile open-end Prusik. Use to tie: Symmetric Prusik, Asymmetric Prusik (Schwabisch/Distal), Valdotain Tresse, French PrusikANNEAU SLINGSLENGTH ITEM #60 cm ZZ-0549120 cm ZZ-0550by Petzl%u00aeSPECS W 19 mm L 60 or 120 cmWgt: 60 cm - 2 oz120 cm - 3.5 ozPolyester sling to set up a belay or an anchor120 cm60 cmTRIRIG RIGGING PLATE ITEM #ZZ-0553by Rock Exotica%u00aeSPECS Break Strg: 36 kNWeight: 1.8 oz (51 g)Lightweight. high performance 3 hole rigplate with numbered holes to assist with detailed riggingSPECS Rope Size: up to 11 mmWeight: 2.9 oz (83 g)MINI MACHINED PULLEYITEM #ZZ-0548by Rock Exotica%u00aeMini pulley with recessed axle screw, machined sideplates & integrated axle for a stronger, compact, snag-free profileRESCUE | Carabiners & GearROCKD CARABINERITEM #ZZ-0543by Rock Exotica%u00aeSPECS Gate Opening: .24 mmWeight: 2.6 oz (73 g)Narrow asymmetric %u201cD%u201d shape machined frame with snag resistant keylock nose and large, ergonomic angled gate openingROPETOOTHKNIFEby Edelrid%u00ae%u2022Ideal for all cutting requirements outdoors %u2022 Perfectly suitable to shorten static lines or ropes%u2022 Large swivel hole for attaching to harness or backpack with carabiner%u2022 Sharp, locking blade (partly serrated)%u2022 High-quality Stainless SteelINTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTRescue KnivesITEM #90-4027ROPE TOOTH KNIFESPECIFICATIONS L 3 in. x W 1 in. (closed blade)Blade Length: 3 in.Weight: 1.69 oz (48 gm)MADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICA