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                                    4 | %u2022 888-689-6277ITEM #70-0372NAR%u00aeBALLISTIC PPE CARRIER%u2022 Store ballistic vest, plates and helmet%u2022 Highly mobile and easily accessible%u2022 Durable nylon construction%u2022 Nylon webbed carrying strap and handles%u2022 Clear window for holding identification cardNAR%u00ae BALLISTIC PPE CARRIERSPECIFICATIONS  L 23 in. x W 23 in. x D 8 in.Weight: 1.43 lbs.Ballistic ArmorNAR%u00ae RESPONDER BALLISTIC PPE VESTSPECIFICATIONS Vest: L 15 in. x W 18 in. x D 0.5 in..Waist Size expandable up to 62 in.Total Weight: 9.1 lbSOFT ARMOR BALLISTIC SPECS Protection Type/Threat Level: NIJ 0101.06 IIIA Special Threat TestedConstruction: Woven Twaron / UD TwaronThickness: 0.25 in. | AD = 1.18 psfNIJ certified Model#: SLSIIIANIJ 0101.06 Testing Certification:V50 %u2013 357sig 125gr TMJ (new) | 1867 ft/sP-BFS Avg. %u2013 357sig 125gr TMJ | 27.3 mmV50 %u2013 44mag 240gr JHP (new) | 1661 ft/s P-BFS Avg. %u2013 44mag 240gr JHP | 36 mmSpecial Threats:V50 - 2gr RCC | 3060 ft/sV50 - 4gr RCC | 2642 ft/s V50 - 16gr RCC | 2244 ft/sV50 - 17gr FSP (.22cal) | 2017 ft/sV50 - 64gr RCC | 1866 ft/sV50 %u2013 9mm 127gr SXT (new) | 1754 ft/sP-BFS Avg. %u2013 9mm 127gr SXT | 24.6 mmP-BFS Avg. %u2013 40cal 165gr S+W Sp GDHP | 27.2 mmP-BFS Avg. %u2013 5.7x28 27gr SS195 | 17 mmP-BFS Avg. %u2013 5.7x28 27gr SS197 | 19.3 mmCOLOR | TRIM ITEM #Black 70-0331Navy 70-0333Red 70-0334Coyote 70-0332Multicam 70-0379Blk | Org Reflect 70-0335Blk | Yel Reflect 70-0336Coy | Org Reflect 70-0337Coy | Yel Reflect 70-0338Nav | Yel Reflect 70-0339Red | Org Reflect 70-0340Red | Yel Reflect 70-0341NAR%u00ae RESPONDER BALLISTICVESTwith MOLLE & CummerbundWITH MOLLE & Armored Cummerbund%u2022 Designed specifically for Fire and EMS personnel providing Level IIIA soft armor protection & MOLLE-style PALS attachment capability%u2022 Lightweight and comfortable for a better fit that allows full range of motion %u2022 NIJ 0101.06 Level IIIA ballistic panels designed for maximum coverage without bulk%u2022 Fitted external plate pocket to increase comfort%u2022 Includes Armored Cummerbund with hook and loop adjustment via front/rear kangaroo panel to reduce armor overlap. Small cummerbund option sold separately %u2022 Optional armored lower abdomen extension provides additional coverage with MOLLEstyle PALS webbing for essential gear%u2022 Rapidly adjustable shoulder straps%u2022 3%u201d x 10%u201d Hook & Loop areas on the front & back to accommodate ID Patches (sold separately)Contact customer service for details.%u2022 PFAS FreeFor New York customers, purchase of this product is limited to eligible professions. Please contact Customer Service with any questions.%uf070 Vest/Cummerbund options includeReflective Tape Trimmed with Yellow or Orange
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