Page 3 - Demo
P. 3 %u2022 888-689-6277 | 3%uf111There are several key features to consider in choosing the right body armor: Protection Level|Weight | Comfort | Mobility, and Cost. It is important to choose an armor system that will provide protection but also enhance your ability to perform your job. Particularly for Fire & EMS personnel, it is critical that the system facilitates your ability to provide life saving skills and equipment. North American Rescue%u00ae offers the optimal ballistic solution designed as a system specifically for Fire & EMS personnel and the duties they must perform.The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is responsible for establishing performance standards and testing certification for body armor. The NIJ conducts two types of ballistic testing: Perforation/BackFace Signature (P-BFS) and Ballistic Limit (V50). No complete or partial perforation of the armor panel is allowed during testing. In addition, no more than 44mm (1.73 inches) of indentation is allowed into the ballistic clay backing utilized during shoot testing. The back face signature translates to the upper tolerable limits of blunt force injury to the user. The ballistic limit (V50) is the velocity at which the projectile is expected to perforate the armor 50% of the time. It is important to ensure that any armor package has been certified by an NIJ approved laboratory.How to Choosethe right ARMORfor YOU...Level II :Tested to stop 9mm and .357 Magnum ammunition Level IIIA: Tested to stop .357 SIG and .44 Magnum ammunition Level Ill :Tested to stop 7.62mm FMJ rifle ammunition Level IV :Tested to stop .30 cal steel core armor piercing rifle ammunitionSpecial Threats5.56mm %u201cGreen Tip%u201d (M855) was designed for military use and has a steel core. It is often the cheapest and most widely available AR-15 ammo on the market today. Level III plates should be NIJ special threat tested to stop the green tip.Level II Level IIIA Level III Level IV9mm FJM RN .357 Mag JSP .357 Sig FMJ FN .44 Mag SJHP 7.62mm NATO FMJ .30 cal M2 AP%uf074 NIJ Threat Projectiles & Related Armor %u2022 888-689-6277 | 3NIJ 0101.06 Ballistic Standards