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                                    2 | %u2022 888-689-6277In recent times there has been a dramatic increase in violent crime and an alarming rise of attacks directed at first responders. Now more than ever, first responders need to consider their personal safety and adopt body armor as PPE. Armor has typically been associated with tactical medics in high threat environments but first responders are realizing the critical need for protection on a daily basis. Fire and EMS have traditionally been limited to adapting body armor orignally designed for the Military & Law Enforcement, North American Rescue is now confronting this challenge by designing ballistic solutions specifically for the unique needs of the Fire & EMS community.Soft & Hard | 2 Main Types of Body ArmorSOFT ARMOR offers critical protection against handgun threats along with the capability for extended daily wear. NAR provides an optimal over-the-uniform soft armor vest that features flexible layers of ballistic resistant materials constructed from synthetic Aramid fibers with a very high strength to weight ratio. These super strong fibers are woven into multiple layers that are stacked to create an armor panel. When a handgun bullet strikes the armor panel, it gets caught in a web of high performance fibers that stretch and disperse the impact energy causing the bullet to deform or %u201cmushroom%u201d. This dispersion of energy not only prevents bullet perforation, but also helps minimize possible injury to underlying tissue.HARD ARMOR is designed to provide a higher degree of protection from rifle threats. Constructed from a variety of hard ballistic-resistant materials such as ceramic, compressed UHMWPE (ultra-high-molecularweight-polyethylene), metallic plates, or a composite of multiple materials, each of these rigid materials offer their own unique properties. The hard armor plates offered by NAR are standalone (no soft armor required) and multihit rated for armor piercing threats such as 5.56 mm %u201cGreen Tip%u201d (M855). %uf07dOVERVIEW | Body Armor2 | %u2022 888-689-6277How Soft Armor disperses energy from a handgun projectile...Handguns are overwhelmingly used in most violent crime while Rifles are used 58% of the time in active shooter situations. Level IIIA soft armor is the foundation of ballistic PPE providing the most coverage against handguns. Rifle plates should be considered for use in any high threat environment.
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