Page 15 - Demo
P. 15 %u2022 888-689-6277 | 15C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet8C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet8Medical Kits%u2022 All-in-one trauma treatment & evacuation platform for treatment of multiple trauma patients%u2022 Choose from two different litter configurations: 8 non-rigid, disposable QuikLitters or 1 full-size, quad-fold, lightweight MedEVAC Litter%u2022 Pocket system holds self- or buddy-aid point-of-wounding medical supplies%u2022 Bag features back pack straps for easy transport from the vehicle to the point of need%u2022 Ideal for use as a vehicle trauma kitSPECIFICATIONS H 22.75 in. x W 16.5 in. x D 11.5 in.Weight with 8 QuikLitters: 18 lb 12 ozWeight with MedEVAC Litter: 29 lb 15 ozMCI WALK with QUIKLITTERS:MCI WALK with MEDEVAC LITTER:(80-0565/80-0458) Red MCI WALKs contain orange C%u2022A%u2022T%u00ae Tourniquets(#80-0458) Red MCI WALK with MedEVAC Litter contains an orange MedEVAC LitterCOLOR LITTER ITEM #BLK 8 QuikLitters 80-0564RED 8 QuikLitters 80-0565BLK MedEVAC Litter (Black) 80-0457RED MedEVAC Litter (Orange) 80-0458MCI WALKBag only option also available at online video available< scan to viewCombatCasualty Card20QTYETD%u00ae 6 in.Dressing8QTYCombatGauze%u00ae LE5QTYHyFin%u00aeVent. Twin Pk8QTYNitrileGloves, Lg8PAIRPermanentMarker, Large5QTYNAR%u00aeELITE Litter8QTYCombatCasualty Card20QTYETD%u00ae 6 in.Dressing8QTYCombatGauze%u00ae LE5QTYHyFin%u00aeVent. Twin Pk8QTYNitrileGloves, Lg8PAIRPermanentMarker, Large5QTYRigid LitterMedEVAC1QTYMass Casualty IncidentMCI WALKNATO NSN*Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F5Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28F5NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed8NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed8