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ETD%u00ae 6 in. Responder1C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet4C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet112 | %u2022 888-689-6277Medical KitsCombat Gauze%u00ae LECombat 1Gauze%u00ae LE1 10G ARS%u00aeNeedle Decomp.Pre-lubed 1NAR%u00ae Naso, 28F1SPECIFICATIONS Bag: H 9 in. x W 8.25 in. x D 2 in.Strap: L 17 in. x W 1 in.Weight: 1.55 lb %u2022 Equipped to provide initial triage of a mass casualty incident and provide treatment for 4 or more patients %u2022 Includes 4 C%u2022A%u2022T%u00ae tourniquets with holders and nylon dispenser with 4 rolls of color-coded triage tapeRAPID RESPONSE KIT - RTF EDITION:Red Rapid Response RTF Kit comes standard with orange C%u2022A%u2022T%u00aeTourniquets, red holders and a red tape dispenserSPECIFICATIONS H 12 in. x W 12 in. x D 6 in.Shoulder strap: 28 in. to 50 in.Weight: 6 lb 4.5 ozCOLOR ITEM #BLK 85-0716RED 85-0717RAPID RESPONSE -RTFHyFin%u00aeVent. Twin Pk4QTYC-A-T%u00aeTQ Holder4QTYETD%u00ae 6 in.Dressing4QTYNitrileGloves, Lg4PAIRTriageTape, RollsTriageTape Dispenser4 1 QTY QTYSHOULDER IFAKRAPID RESPONSE KIT RTF Edition Traige Tape, Set of 4 (Item# ZZ-0591) also availableat Essential life-saving tools to address injuries caused by penetrating or blast trauma%u2022 Compact hands-free individual first aid kit providing Basic or Advanced Life Support medical gear%u2022 Easily identifiable rugged nylon bag with shoulder strapADVANCED also includes:COMBAT GAUZE also includes:Every Shoulder IFAKincludes these core items:SHOULDER IFAKLEVEL ITEM #Basic 80-1124Combat Gauze LE 80-1125Advanced 80-1126*NAR%u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing1NAR%u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing1HyFin%u00ae Vent Compact, Twin Pk1 Responder Blue Gloves, LGResponder 2Shears, Lg1NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed4NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1*Advanced Kits are