Page 13 - Demo
P. 13 %u2022 888-689-6277 | 13Medical KitsRAID KIT %u2022 888-689-6277 | 13NAR TraumaShears, LgC-A-T%u00ae 1Tourniquet1%u2022 RAID V2 pouch%u2019s unique take on the industry standard hanger combined with the utility of a fanny pack allows user to decide how to wear it based on their needs during self-aid/buddy-aid%u2022 Designed to meet the need for an individual first aid kit with multiple carry options%u2022 First Spear Tube makes reattaching the pouch as easy as removalSPECIFICATIONS H 8 in. x W 7 in. x D 2 in.Weight: 3 lbs 3.2 oz.RAID KIT V2COLOR OPTION ITEM#BLK Basic 80-1545COY Basic 80-1546MTC Basic 80-1547RGR Basic 80-1548BLK Basic w/ CG 80-1549COY Basic w/ CG 80-1550MTC Basic w/ CG 80-1551RGR Basic w/ CG 80-1552BLK Basic w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1625COY Basic w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1626MTC Basic w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1627RGR Basic w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1628BLK Advanced 80-1553*COY Advanced 80-1554*MTC Advanced 80-1555*RGR Advanced 80-1556*BLK Adv. w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1629*COY Adv. w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1630*MTC Adv. w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1631*RGR Adv. w/ CELOX%u2122 80-1632*10G ARS%u00aeNeedle Decomp.1BASICalso includes:BASIC withCOMBAT GAUZE%u00aealso includes:BASIC withCELOXTMGAUZEalso includes:ADV. withCOMBAT GAUZE%u00aealso includes:ADV. withCELOXTMGAUZEalso includes:- OR -Combat Gauze%u00ae Z-FoldCombat 1Gauze%u00ae Z-Fold1 Pre-lubedNAR%u00ae Naso, 28FCELOX%u2122 1 Gauze Z-foldCELOX%u2122 1Gauze Z-foldNAR%u00ae Gauze 1 S-Rolled1OR OR OR ANDEvery RAID V2 Kit includes these core items:NitrileGloves, LgETD%u00ae 4 in. 1DressingNAR%u00ae Gauze 1S-Rolled1 HyFin%u00ae Vent Compact, Twin Pk1MADE INAmerICAPLUS+ *Advanced Kits are