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                                    %u2022 Proven 100% effective to stop bleeding in both upper & lower extremities by the U.S. Army%u2019s Institute of Surgical Research%u2022 Custom branded with the ACS logo%u2022 Fielded by every branch of the U.S. Military%u2022 Reinforced windlass clip and highly visible security tab includes a writeable areato record the time of application%u2022 37.5 inches when opened%u2022 2.7 oz.Red Tip Technology%u00aeNAR%u2019s signature of premium qualityACS Branded LogoFree-moving Internal BandWindlass Retention Strapwith Writeable Tab(New Welding Process Released 2025)Single Routing BuckleScientifically proven as theFastest,Safest, Most EffectivePrehospital Field TourniquetThe Gen 7 C-A-T%u00ae Tourniquet utilizes a durable windlass systemwith a patented free-moving internal band providing true circumferential pressure to the extremity. Once adequately tightened, bleeding will cease and the windlass is locked into the windlass clip. A hook and loop windlass retention strap is then applied, securing the windlass rod to prevent dislodgment during movement. The C-A-T%u00ae%u2019s unique dual securing system avoids the use of screws and clips which can become difficult to operate under survival stress or where fine motor skills are compromised.Windlass Security ClipRobust Windlass RodC-A-TTourniquet%u00ae22 | STOP THE BLEED%u00ae %u2022 %u2022 Store: 833.472.1163COLOR ITEM #Rescue Orange 84-0002Trainer Blue 84-0001Tactical Black 84-0000C-A-T%u00ae TOURNIQUETStabilization Plate
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