Page 20 - Demo
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KITSINDIVIDUALTRAININGPlus your choice of dressing:STOP THE BLEED IndividualTrainer %u00aeThe STOP THE BLEED%u00ae Individual Trainer kit empowers everyone to train to control life threatening bleeding from everyday emergencies using proven lifesaving equipment. Preparation is key to being ready in the event that life threatening bleeding occurs. To facilitate training in how to STOP THE BLEED%u00ae, this convenient kit containing training items that correspond with the necessary tools recommended by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma to equip bystanders to help save lives in the instance of life-threatening bleeding.IndividualTrainer Kits come in aClear Resealable PouchSTOP THE BLEED%u00ae Ind. Trainer Kits each contain:QTY1Responder NitrileGloves, LGQTY1ACS STOP THE BLEED%u00aeQTY Booklet1Responder TraumaShears - 7 1/4%u201dQTY1C-A-T%u00ae TourniquetTrainerQTY1Small PermanentMarker, BLKQTY14 in. ResponderFlat Dressing20 | STOP THE BLEED%u00ae %u2022 %u2022 Store: 833.472.1163QTY1QuikClot%u00ae BCDBandage - Trainer QTY1NAR%u00ae WoundPacking Gauze QTY1CELOXTM 5%u2019 Z-FoldTraining Gauze-or- -or- DRESSING ITEM #QuikClot%u00ae 84-0134Wound Pack 84-0135CELOX%u00ae 84-0136STOP THE BLEED%u00aeINDIVIDUAL TRAINERDimensions H 8in. x W 12.5in. Weight 0.7lbs.