Page 18 - Demo
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                                    DRESSING TONE ITEM #QuikClot%u00ae LT 84-0159Wound Pack LT 84-0160CELOX%u00ae LT 84-0161KITSTRAININGPlus your choice of dressing:STOP THE BLEED Training Kits - Single%u00aeThe American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma certifies surgeons, police officers, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and selected others to teach the STOP THE BLEED%u00ae course to the public. Those who achieve certification are encouraged to use this approved training kit in their courses to simulate wound patterns and have their students practice proper STOP THE BLEED%u00ae techniques.%u2022 Practice proper STOP THE BLEED%u00ae techniques%u2022 Durable hard case for optimum organization%u2022 Wound Simulator in your choice of Deep Tone (DT) and/or Light Tone (LT) DRESSING TONE ITEM #QuikClot%u00ae DT 84-0162Wound Pack DT 84-0163CELOX%u00ae DT 84-0164STOP THE BLEED%u00ae TRAINING KIT- SINGLE LIGHT OR DEEP TONEDimensions H 18.5in. x W 13.75in. x D 7in. Weight 20lbs.QTY5C-A-T%u00ae TourniquetTrainerQTY10ACS STOP THE BLEED%u00aeBookletQTY1Choice of NAR Wound MgmtSimulator - StumpQTY1Responder TraumaShears - 7 1/4\QTY12Responder NitrileGloves, LGSTOP THE BLEED%u00ae Training Kits - Single each contain:QTY8QuikClot%u00ae BCDBandage - Trainer QTY8NAR%u00ae WoundPacking Gauze QTY8CELOXTM 5%u2019 Z-FoldTraining Gauze-or- -or18 | STOP THE BLEED%u00ae %u2022 %u2022 Store: 833.472.1163
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