Press Releases

Stay current on North American Rescue's latest developments around the community as well as the battlefield. Please click the title to download the specific press release.

North American Rescue Founder Receives Order of Palmetto Award

12/07/2020 - Greer, SC – Founder and CEO of North American Rescue, LLC, Robert Castellani, was recently presented with the distinguished Order of Palmetto Award in recognition of his positive impact on South Carolina’s citizens.

URGENT PRODUCT RECALL - Select products containing 30-0171

09/01/2020 - We are conducting an urgent recall with the full knowledge of the FDA. Please review the attached documentation and determine if you have any of the impacted product. If you do, please discontinue all use and shipment and contact us immediately.

North American Rescue Announces Acquisition of JTM Training Group

02/05/2018 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) is pleased to announce the acquisition of JTM Training Group (JTM) from Las Vegas, NV. JTM has over 20 years of experience providing tactical and medical training to military, law enforcement, EMS, and first responder personnel.

North American Rescue Welcomes Return of Shannon Seidel

06/10/15 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) is excited to announce that Mrs. Shannon Seidel will be returning to the NAR Team to fill the newly created position of Product Implementation Manager. In addition to almost 8 years of NAR experience from her previous role as Commercial Manager, Shannon brings an educational background that includes a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from Clemson University and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Appalachian State University.

North American Rescue Welcomes Paul Vecchio

06/09/15 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) is pleased to announce that Mr. Paul Vecchio has recently joined the NAR team at their corporate headquarters. Mr. Vecchio brings a strong understanding of the military requirements for operating in extreme environments.

North American Rescue Welcomes Brandon Brown

06/08/15 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) is pleased to announce that Mr. Brandon Brown has recently joined the NAR team. A proud United States Navy Veteran and Retired Law Enforcement Officer, SWAT Team Operator, and Gang Investigator, Brandon brings his diverse experience to the NAR Sales Team and will be focusing on Law Enforcement sales.

North American Rescue Experiences Guardian Centers

05/26/15 - Greer, SC – During their recent catalog photo shoot, North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) had the privilege of experiencing the training grounds at the Guardian Centers located in Perry, GA. Focused on capturing images that show the real-world environments in which their medical products are deployed, NAR took their photography crew, products and a 5-man team recruited to be models from their friends at Castle International.

North American Rescue, LLC Partners With Blue Wolf Capital

03/02/15 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue, LLC ("NAR") today announced that, Blue Wolf Capital Partners LLC ("Blue Wolf"), the New York based private equity firm though an affiliate, has made an investment in NAR.

North American Rescue announces New TC-P Certification Guide

01/09/15 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) announced that they have recently published author Kyle Faudree's newest study guide publication, Tactical Paramedic Certification & Practical Application.

North American Rescue joins as a Safety Grant Sponsor with the Spirit of Blue Foundation.

11/22/2013 - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS – The Spirit of Blue Foundation announced today that North American Rescue ( is officially joining as the latest Safety Grant Sponsor. The Spirit of Blue Foundation works nationally to support the Law Enforcement community through the award of Safety Equipment Grants, funded by both private and corporate donations.

North American Rescue offers Advanced Burn Dressing

10/08/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) has announced that they are welcoming the innovative new burn dressings from KIKGEL, a Poland based company, to their product line. BurnTec® is a modern hydrogel dressing used for a variety of skin injuries ranging from first, second, and third-degree burns (thermal, chemical & electric). This dressing can also be utilized to provide relief from other skin injuries such as sunburns, abrasions, bruises, swelling, or insect bites.

North American Rescue to offer Operative Experience's high fidelity Combat Trauma Simulators

08/12/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) announced today that they have partnered with Operative Experience Inc. to deliver a full line of Combat Trauma Simulators (CTS) that address the key Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) critical tasks.

North American Rescue now offering Paxlight LED field medical lights

08/5/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) announced today that they have expanded their product offerings to include the innovative, energy efficient LED field medical light from Jameson LLC, the PAXLight®.

North American Rescue partners with Overland Unlimited to support veterans

07/31/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) has recently partnered with local veteran owned and operated Overland Unlimited (OU), as they share their common efforts to support veterans. OU is an adventure outfitter whose mission is focused on mentorship, teamwork, and relationship building in a healthy, natural outdoor environment.

North American Rescue gauze and bandages offer industry leading 5 year sterility expiration

06/10/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) is pleased to announce that it is now offering an industry leading 5 year sterility expiration on it's gauze and bandages. Previously available with up to a 3 year expiry, results from recent testing have cleared new gauze and bandage items for up to 5 years of available shelf life.

C-A-T® Tourniquet – Saving lives is now even more affordable

06/03/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) announced that it has lowered the price of the lifesaving C-A-T® (Combat Application Tourniquet®). This makes the C-A-T® even more accessible to military, government agencies, EMS, tactical/patrol officers, school resource officers, educational institutions, public event producers, civilians and individuals.

North American Rescue introduces Flat Bandages for Low Profile Kits

04/22/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) announced today that they have expanded their bandage and gauze product offerings to include new flat packaging configurations that will reduce the required thickness of operator kits and enable the development of lower profile nylon carrying platforms.

North American Rescue offers First Light Tomahawk Lights

04/19/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue® LLC (NAR) announced today that they have added the innovative First Light USA® Tomahawk® Series tactical flashlights to their product offerings.

North American Rescue welcomes visit from General Jack Keane

03/21/2013 - Greer, SC - North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) was honored today to receive a visit from General Jack Keane, U.S. Army (R). During his visit, General Keane toured NAR's facility, enjoyed a company-wide luncheon, delivered a brief inspirational message to the company's employees and was presented with a complimentary Eagle IFAK by NAR's management team.

North American Rescue Releases Emergency Evacuation Litter (EEL)

03/18/2013 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue LLC (NAR) announced today that they have unveiled their latest casualty evacuation platform. The Emergency Evacuation Litter (EEL) is a lightweight, compact solution for casualty movement.

North American Rescue Now Offers Cervical ClearCollar

03/11/2013 - Greer, SC–North American Rescue, LLC and Clear Advantage Collar, Inc. are pleased to announce the engagement of a partnership appointing North American Rescue (NAR) to be the exclusive military distributor of the world's first transparent cervical collar.

North American Rescue's IPOK recognized as "Best of the Best for 2012"

01/15/2013 - Greer, SC– North American Rescue's Individual Patrol Officer's Kit (IPOK®) was recently selected by Law Officer Magazine as one of their "Best of the Best for 2012" products.

North American Rescue releases Junctional Emergency Treatment Tool

01/08/2013 - Greer, SC– North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) announced today that they have completed the FDA clearance process for their latest product, the Junctional Emergency Treatment Tool, or JETT™. The JETT offers a treatment solution for injuries that are more and more common to military personnel due to IED blasts and penetrating trauma located too high in the groin or inguinal space to be treated by standard tourniquet devices.

North American Rescue President Announces Retirement

12/19/2012 - Greer, SC– Samuel D. Wyman, III announced his intention to retire from his position at North American Rescue (NAR) today. He has served as NAR's president since October, 2009 and has been an integral part of preparing the company for continued success and growth.

North American Rescue Proudly Supports 2012 Army Best Medic Competition

10/2012 - Greer, SC– North American Rescue was pleased to have the opportunity to support the 2012 Best Medic Competition held at Camp Bullis, Texas, October 26-28, 2012. Consisting of 32 two-man teams from across the Army, the CSM Jack L. Clark Jr. Best Medic Competition was a 3-day event that evaluated their competency and proficiency not only for medical skills but also for soldier, combat and survival skills.

North American Rescue awarded 63.54 Million Dollar Federal Contract

8/2012 - Greer, SC– North American Rescue was recently awarded a $63.54 million dollar contract by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Troop Support. This contract involves the purchase of medical equipment to be utilized by the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Marine Corps and other federal civilian agencies.


8/2012 - Greer, SC –North American Rescue, LLC and MedTrade Products, Ltd. are pleased to announce the engagement of a partnership allowing North American Rescue (NAR) to distribute products in the CELOX™ emergency hemostatic portfolio including: CELOX™ granules, CELOX™ Gauze, CELOX™ Z-fold Gauze, and CELOX™- Applicator. Under terms of the arrangement, NAR will have rights to import, market, sell and distribute the products listed above for military and civilian pre-hospital trauma care directly and through distribution partners.

Special Operations Medics Instruct First Responder's Course with Grey Group

10/2011 - Greer, SC – North American Rescue (NAR) and Fayetteville,a's Grey Group joined forces to provide a two-day First Responder's Course instructed by NAR's cadre of former Army Ranger and Special Operations Medics.

Delta Five Innovations Launches Portable Hypothermia Prevention Solutions

9/2011 - Greer, SC – Delta Five Innovations (D5), a research and development arm of North American Rescue, has developed a suite of hypothermia prevention products solely focused on dramatically decreasing preventable death, and improving patient outcomes through patient thermal management.

South Carolina's first United Through Reading® registered program.

9/2011 - Greer, SC – USO honors upstate tactical medical device company ath American Rescue for its sponsorship of South Carolina's first United Through Reading® Military Program during the grand opening of the USO Day Room and USO in a Box at Camp McCrady.

North American Rescue Chooses New Chief Medical Officer

8/2011 - North American Rescue's Board of Directors has recently appointed Dr. Lester Martinez-Lopez, M.D., M.P.H., Major General (Retired), U.S. Army, to the position of Chief Medical Officer (CMO).

North American Rescue Honored With Sentinels Medal Of Freedom Award

7/2011 - During the Ranger Rendezvous held at Ft. Benning, Mike Conklin, head of the Sentinels of Freedom, presented representatives from North American Rescue (NAR) with the Sentinel's Medal of Freedom Award.

USO South Carolina Receives much needed support from the Upstate

7/2011 - North American Rescue, a premier developer and suaier of life-saving mission critical tactical medical products, hosts USO World President Sloan Gibson and the West Point Society of Upstate SC to support the South Carolina USO.

Hyfin® Xtreme Chest Seal Recognized as JEMS "Most Innovative Product"

5/2011 - North American Rescue's HyFin® Xtreme Chest Seal was recently selected as one of the most "Innovative New Products" at the 28th Annual EMS Today Conference that was held in Baltimore, MD.

URGENT PRODUCT RECALL - Triad Group, Povidone Iodine Prep Pad

5/2011 - North American Rescue has been notified that the Triad Group has initiated a recall for their Povidone Iodine Prep Pads due to potential contamination.

North American Rescue, LLC Supports Best Ranger Competition 2011

5/2011 - North American Rescue recently supported the 2011 Best Ranger Competition with $20,000.00 worth of tactical medical gear for use during the event. The donated equipment included WALK's® (Warrior Aid and Litter Kit) as well as NAR's award-winning HyFin® Chest Seals and ARS® Needle Decompression Kits.

North American Rescue expands HyFin® Chest Seal product line

12/2010 - The newly expanded product line of HyFin® Chest Seals from North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) offers three specialized occlusive dressings specifically developed to provide solutions to meet the need for the management of casualties with penetrating chest injuries..

North American Rescue Joins Samaritan Aviation

8/2010 - Making A Difference In Papua New Guinea.

North American Rescue Donates Firefighter Survival Equipment to Boiling Springs Fire District

8/2010 - This month North American Rescue is donating more than $20,000 in innovative Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Firefighter Survival Equipment.

North American Rescue, LLC Announces Acquisition of Adaptive Thermal Solutions, Inc.

8/2010 - North American Rescue, LLC (NAR) announces the acquisition of Adaptive Thermal Solutions Inc, (ATSI), a privately held Research and Development and manufacturing firm headquartered in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

North American Rescue, LLC announces a strategic partnership with Galls

8/2010 - to provide life saving products to public safety personnel

HemCon Medical Technologies, Inc. and North American Rescue, LLC announce a Strategic Partnership to provide products to U.S. Military

8/2010 - NAR will use HemCon's ChitoGauze platform and other technologies as the basis for the development of additional products and solutions intended to improve the standard of care for warfighters everywhere.

Greenville County K-9 Unit Honors North American Rescue

5/2010 - The Greenville County Sheriff's Office recently honored North American Rescue with an appreciation plaque for outstanding support and dedication to the Greenville County Sheriff's Office K-9 Unit.

Greer Company Wins Workforce Award

4/2010 - North American Rescue, LLC, was named the Small Employer of the Year recently at the 2010 Palmetto Workforce Partnership Awards Conference. The Greer-based company specializes in emergency tactical evacuation products and medical convenience kits for the military, tactical law enforcement professionals, firefighters, and emergency health care professionals.

Operation Comfort Brings Comforts Of Home To Wounded Soldiers

4/2010 - Operation Comfort, a 501 C-3 non profit organiaion that provides support for wounded soldiers, was pleased to find themselves on the receiving end of a $100,000 donation from North American Rescue, LLC, based in Greer, South Carolina, and quickly put the funds to much needed use. Now, after months of hard work and devoted labor, the finishing touches are being put on the newly remodeled 5,000 square foot Marine Corps Annex building at the Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) in San Antonio, Texas.

North American Rescue Awarded Nine Patents For ARS Design

2/2010 - Nine patents for domestic and international designs of the ARS® Needle Decompression Kit have been awarded to North American Rescue, LLC. The patents cover the necessary product casing variations that prevent the hypodermic needle from being bent or compromised during transport.

North American Rescue Appoints Shannon Seidel To Commercial Manager Position

1/2010 - We are pleased to announce the promotion of Shannon Seidel to Commercial Manager. Her employment with NAR began in April 2005 as Executive Assistant to the President with duties assisting the Customer Service Department. Since then she has worked in many capacities including Operations Coordinator. This new position was created in order to facilitate NAR's expanded efforts for the coordination and prioritization of inventory to meet customer requirements.

Working to Change Lives

12/2009 - Article courtesy of Greenville Business Magazine, December 2009

North American Rescue Foundation Reaches $15 Million Landmark

12/2009 - North American Rescue Foundation recently passed a monumental landmark in charitable giving - $15 million dollars!

North American Rescue Veteran's Day Ceremony Dedicates "Care Under Fire"

11/2009 - In spite of the stormy weather, a brief ceremony was held inside the corporate offices of North American Rescue, LLC to commemorate Veteran's Day and to dedicate the monument that honors those who have served and are serving our country.

NAR To Present Greenville Rape Crisis & Child Abuse Center With Supersized Check

11/2009 - Greenville Rape Crisis and Child Abuse Center was presented with a donation of $16,667 in the form of a giant check by North American Rescue Foundation at the Girl's Night Out (GNO) event which took place at the Poinsett Club on November 6, 2009.

North American Rescue Appoints New President Samuel D. Wyman III

10/2009 - North American Rescue, Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Samuel D. ("Sam") Wyman III to the critical role of President and Member of the Board of Directors.

Safe Homes - Rape Crisis Coalition To Receive Hearty Donation From North American Rescue

10/2009 - North American Rescue Foundation will be presenting SAFE Homes - Rape Crisis Coalition with a donation of $16,667.00 at the 7th annual Domestic Violence Balloon Vigil October 1 in downtown Spartanburg.

North American Rescue Commissions "Care Under Fire"

09/2009 - North American Rescue, Inc. commissioned renowned artist Jeff Buccacio to sculpt a monument representing the drama of combat and the drive to save lives that motivates NAR. The monument stands in recognition of the synergies between the missions of North American Rescue and their customers.

North American Rescue Welcomes New Product Development Team Member Anthony Horton

09/2009 - North American Rescue, Inc. recently announced the latest addition to the Product Development team, Anthony Horton.

North American Rescue Expands Customer Service Department

08/2009 - North American Rescue is bolstering its ranks yet again, this time with an expansion of the Customer Service department. With the increased activity in Customer Service, further support is needed, and the department happily welcomes two additional personnel.

Barrett Kicks Off State Listening Tour at North American Rescue

07/2009 - North American Rescue was US Rep. Gresham Barrett's first stop on his "listening tour" of the state. Kicked off Monday morning, it included a private meeting with NAR management to hear what they needed from South Carolina government followed by a full tour of the facility.

North American Rescue Welcomes New Product Manager Michael Watson

07/2009 - Michael Watson, the newest talent to join the ranks at North American Rescue, has been appointed to the position of Product Manager in order to manage and streamline NAR's product portfolio activities from concept to customer.

North American Rescue Releases 3D Video Medical Training Series

06/2009 - In a further demonstration of their continued drive for excellence and quality, North American Rescue, Inc. is releasing a series of high definition (HD) videos featuring the latest in 3D animated medical demonstrations designed to explain the purpose and vision of specific new equipment and to provide guidelines for the product's intended use.

North American Rescue To Host Southeastern SWAT Competition Mystery Event

06/2009 - North American Rescue will be hosting the 2009 Southeastern SWAT Competition Mystery Event at the NAR facility in Greer, SC on Friday, June 5.

Patrick Lynch Joins North American Rescue

06/2009 - North American Rescue enthusiastically welcomes Patrick Lynch aboard today as the newest addition to the Quality Control team. His role in the company will be to manage Regulatory and Quality Control activities.

Pennies And Pies - North American Rescue Raises Thousands For March Of Dimes

05/2009 - Through penny wars and pie throwing contests, North American Rescue Foundation raised more than $3600 for March of Dimes this spring.

North American Rescue Receives Export Achievement Award

04/2009 - North American Rescue was awarded an Export Achievement Certificate Sunday, April 19 by South Carolina Secretary of Commerce Joe Taylor prior to the official opening of the 2009 Trade Winds Europe Conference held in Warsaw, Poland.

Journal Of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) Receives National Publishing Award

04/2009 - JEMS, the premier educational resource in the emergency medical services industry, received a Maggie for best editorial supplement/trade for "The War on Trauma: Lessons Learned from a Decade of Conflict." The supplement, sponsored by North American Rescue, Inc. and published in the October 2008 issue of JEMS, may be downloaded here

Disabled Workers and North American Rescue Saving Lives

03/2009 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) partners with the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department (SCVRD) in product assembly, providing disabled people with practical experience and helping them achieve success in a work environment as well as further independence...

North American Rescue Raises Its Voice To The Tune Of $100,000

01/2009 - Operation One Voice began 2009 with a bang thanks to a generous donation from North American Rescue Foundation in the amount of $100,000...

North American Rescue Appoints New Director Of Product Management Teresa Dupuis

12/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc is pleased to announce the appointment of Teresa Dupuis to the critical role of Director of Product Management Teresa will validate that quality systems are in place and functioning optimallahroughout the product pipeline to insure that the ultimate customer's requirements are met and exceeded.

North American Rescue Hits Half Million Dollar Benchmark In Support Of A Child's Haven Of Greenville

12/2008 - Over the last 14 months, North American Rescue Foundation has donated $500,000 to A Child's Haven of Greenville. Programs like A Child's Haven not only transform children who are neglected, abused or impoverished, but also benefit the larger community as a whole...

Project Hope Receives $10,000 From North American Rescue

12/2008 - North American Rescue Foundation donated $10,000 to the Project Hope Foundation, an inspirational organization dedicated to providing medical care to children and others in need all across the world...

North American Rescue Leads The Way To Aid U.S. Army Ranger Families

12/2008 - Lead the Way Fund, Inc., an organization that supports the families of U.S. Army Rangers, received 3 bolstering donations from North American Rescue Foundation between December 2007 and December 2008 totaling more than $150,000...

NAR Donation Enables Playground At Greenville Rape Crisis And Child Abuse Center

11/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc. recently donated $10,000 to the Greenville Rape Crisis and Child Abuse Center for the development of a playground for children recovering from abusive situations...

GHS Autism Program Gets $2 Million Launch From North American Rescue

10/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) provided Greenville Hospital System Children's Hospital with a $2 million donation to launch a comprehensive autism program that will include critical early diagnosis, treatment, research, support, and community outreach...

North American Rescue And Darrell Gwynn Foundation Give New Wheelchair To Disabled Child

09/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc. teamed up with the Darrell Gwynn Foundation to give 7-year-old Dante Harless a new $12,000 wheelchair. The second grade boy from Tennessee, afflicted with cerebral palsy, was presented with his new wheelchair on August 23, 2008 at Bristol Motor Speedway...

North American Rescue Helps Medical College Develop Tactical Medical Training

09/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) and National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) collaborated with The Medical College of Georgia Center of Operational Medicine to improve tactical medical training. The result—the STORMTM initiative. The Specialized Tactics...

Hope Academy Receives Generous Donation From North American Rescue

04/2008 - North American Rescue Foundation contributed $200,000 to Hope Academy of Simpsonville, an inclusion-based alternative education school which teaches special needs children side-by-side with typical peers...

North American Rescue Reaches Founder's Level In President's Club

03/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc. achieved the Founder's Level in the Medical College of Georgia President's Club 2007-2008. The Founder's Level indicates that members have given lifetime contributions of between $10,000 and $49,999...

NTOA Initiates Tactical Rescue Technician Course

03/2008 - The National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA), utilizing resources such as the military, SWAT teams, and North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR), has launched the Tactical Rescue Technician Course, a comprehensive 4-day tactical rescue and medicine curriculum designed to make the rescuer adaptable in high-threat situations...

Maryland State Police And Paramedics Receive High Threat Extraction Device From North American Rescue

02/2008 - The Maryland State Police Tactical Medical Program will soon have a well-earned advantage in tactical rescues due to a grant from National Emergency Medicine Association (NEMA) which enabled them to procure advanced technology high threat extraction devices from North American Rescue, Inc...

North American Rescue Named One Of South Carolina's Fastest-Growing Companies Of 2007

01/2008 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) was selected as one of the top 25 fastest-growing companies in the state of South Carolina. Winners were announced at South Carolina's Chamber of Commerce 6th Annual Summit event, held in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina...

North American Rescue Donates $10,000 To Fisher House Foundation

12/2007 - North American Rescue Foundation donated $10,000 to the Fisher House Foundation, "a home away from home" for family members of wounded or ill military personnel...

North American Rescue Helps Kids Go To College Through Special Operation Warrior Foundation

11/2007 - North American Rescue Foundation contributed $75,000 to the Special Operation Warrior Foundation, based in Tampa, Florida, between August and November, 2007...

Marine Corp Law Enforcement Foundation Receives $25,000 From North American Rescue

11/2007 - North American Rescue Foundation contributed $25,000 to the Marine Corp Law Enforcement Foundation, an organization founded in 1995 dedicated to providing children of Marines or Federal law enforcement personnel killed on duty with college scholarships and healthcare financial assistance...

North American Rescue Donates $100,000 To Battle Internet Predators

07/2007 - North American Rescue, Inc. donated $100,000 to fund a mobile lab, including 26 laptops, to train law enforcement officers how to catch Internet predators targeting children...

North American Rescue Sponsors Tactical Medic Training; Opens Training Facility

03/2007 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) recently sponsored a casualty response training course together with National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) and Greenville County Sheriff's Office SWAT Team...

North American Rescue Wins Military Contract

02/2007 - North American Rescue, Inc. won a five-year, $31.9 million contract to supply the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corp with litters, medical kits, and accessories...

North American Rescue Named One of South Carolina's Fastest-Growing Companies of 2006

01/2007 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) was named second runner up in the South Carolina's Fastest-Growing Companiessm 2006, sponsored by the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce and Elliot Davis, LLC, the state's leading accounting and business advisory firm...

North American Rescue CEO Robert Castellani Receives 2006 Sheriff's Award

12/2006 - The 2006 Sheriff's Award was presented to Robert Castellani, President and CEO of North American Rescue, Inc. for his outstanding contribution to the state's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force...

North American Rescue Joins VRBPN To Aid Disabled Workers

04/2005 - North American Rescue, Inc. (NAR) recently joined the Vocational Rehabilitation Business Partnership Network (VRBPN), a joint endeavor on the part of the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department and numerous employers from both the public and private sector...


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