Additional Reading

The crisis of today's global war on terrorism and the rash of domestic tragedies nationwide continue to challenge virtually all aspects of our emergency response models. This level of violence targeting the civilian community is unprecedented in its encroachment upon our culture–from co-workers and teachers to law enforcement and first responders. This brutal reality is no longer a distant headline from a foreign battlefield or large urban area. It is a growing danger in our own backyard. We hope to empower you to confront the challenge by building this online archive of White Papers, Overviews and Case Studies. Please click the title to download the specific literature.

White Papers

PDF Icon Decompression Needle Material Safety Considerations

Material quality may impact treatment of the second leading cause of preventable death in the battlefield. The quality of medical devices utilized to treat critical battlefield injuries should be a serious consideration when selecting equipment. Some medical equipment contains sub-quality stainless steel. Using materials other than the traditional medical grade surgical stainless steel grade 304 may result in safety or efficacy concerns as noted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When purchasing medical equipment that is manufactured offshore, exposure to inferior grade materials is a risk that must be considered.

PDF Icon Tourniquet Safety & Efficacy

Studies Identify The Recommended Field Tourniquet
The U.S. Military identified the need for a safe and effective field tourniquet that could be applied with one hand by any soldier injured in combat. Several studies have been conducted to review available field tourniquets.

PDF Icon SALT Triage System

There is a need for a national standard for mass casualty triage, as disasters frequently cross jurisdictional lines involving responders from multiple agencies. After reviewing all of the existing triage systems a consensus review panel found that there was insufficient evidence to support one system over the others. Using aspects of the existing systems and based on best evidence, SALT (Sort –Assess - Life Saving Interventions - Treatment and/or transport) was developed as a national all-hazards mass casualty initial triage standard for all patients (e.g., adults, children, special populations).

PDF Icon Rescue Human Factors™

The physiological and psychological demand placed on combatant and rescue personnel is typically unappreciated. Simple tasks can become both difficult and in some instances impossible to perform under survival stress.

PDF Icon Tactical Combat Casualty Care

TCCC launched a total reassessment of practices with one overarching goal: decrease preventable combat death at the point of wounding. These evolving strategies based on historical wounding patterns in combat also bear a particular relevance to the operators of Tactical Law Enforcement who share many operational parallels with their military counterparts. Instead of the civilian-based approaches of the past, integrated strategies specific to combat realities continue to emerge.



PDF Icon Trauma Management: The Cold Facts of Secondary Hypothermia

Secondary hypothermia in trauma patients with a core temperature below 95°F is considered a poor prognostic sign... if under 89.6°F it is linked to 100% mortality.

PDF Icon Hemorrhage Control: What Makes an Effective Prehospital Emergency Tourniquet?

Temporary prehospital emergency tourniquets are life-saving devices that rarely cause complications when appropriately trained rescuers apply the devices correctly. Although the total time that a tourniquet remains in place is a major determinant of potential injury, an often-overlooked aspect is the design of the device itself. To understand why the C-A-T® (Combat Application Tourniquet®) by North American Rescue represents the optimal design for a temporary emergency tourniquet, one must understand how this device works...

PDF Icon Extraction: The Physics of Extraction

Traditionally, many rescuers attempt to "snatch and grab" a casualty in order to move them to a position of cover. Using this technique, a negative cascade of events is likely to occur.


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