General Exclusion Order

General Exclusion Order Blocks Importation of Counterfeit Tourniquets

General Exclusion Order

The Danger of Counterfeit C-A-T® Tourniquets
Hey everyone, Doc Miles at North American Rescue. Big news in the world of anti counterfeit efforts that went down this week. There's been a lot of counterfeit C-A-T® tourniquet production that has gone on out of China. And these tourniquets have been flooding the market. We've been getting reports throughout the U.S. and our NATO partners that these tourniquets are making it to first responders and medical providers, and they're failing when they're needed at the point of injury. Here's a few examples of fake C-A-T® tourniquets. This one you can see it comes packaged differently. Fake, been known to break. So in an effort to stop these counterfeit tourniquets and provide safer care at the point of injury, ensuring that you get a Genuine C-A-T® tourniquet North American Rescue partnered up with CAT resources and took this case to the courts. The courts then came back, issued this general exclusion order to help combat the trafficking of fake tourniquets.

What is a General Exclusion Order?
A general exclusion gives Customs and Border Protection the right to go in, search cargo that's entering the United States, and if they see anything that looks like a C-A-T® tourniquet, they can seize it.

So the advantage is that now, we can take one big step forward to help ensure that if you're ordering a C-A-T® tourniquet, you're getting a genuine C-A-T® tourniquet. C-A-T® tourniquets are only made in the United States, so there is no reason that they would ever see C-A-T® tourniquets being imported in to the United States or sent to another country from any country other than the United States.

How to Avoid Receiving Counterfeit C-A-T® Tourniquets
What you can do if you believe that you have a fake tourniquet, take it and compare it to a genuine C-A-T® tourniquet. Tourniquet, this is the way it comes packaged. This is a genuine one, and if you compare them side by side, you can look through the features and see a lot of differences. If you're not sure, feel free to contact us at North American Rescue, and we can help walk you through that.

This is part of an ongoing effort with the U S international trade commission to ensure that the products you get are genuine and they're going to work when you need them most.

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