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For more information or to order visit our website at Crisis Incident Response Kit is designed to treat penetrating trauma and major bleeding as well as the administration of rescue breathing & basic first aid%u2022 Rugged carry bag constructed of durable nylon available in high visibility orange with reflective trim or tactical black%u2022 Multiple carry options including over the shoulder, hand carry & fanny pack styleColor Item#ORG 85-0410BLK 85-1338Kit Dimensions:H 7.75 in. x W 13 in. x D 9 in. Wt: 5 lbThe necessary emergency first aid products to treat several injured persons ranging from minor to severe injuries...Casualty Response Kits School Crisis Incident PreparednessETD%u00ae 4 in. Dressing4 ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing4 ETD%u00aeABD., 8 x 101 NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed4MicroshieldCPR Mask2 HyFin%u00ae Vent Compact, Twin Pk2 SAM%u00aeSplint II2 FlexibleFabric Bandages50NitrileGloves, Lg5 2%u201d NAR%u00aeSurgical Tape1C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet2NAR%u00ae Survival Blanket2NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1Crisis Incident Response Kit