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SRO Individual Response Kit%u2022 Designed to treat penetrating trauma and severe bleeding for immediate care to injuries at the point of wounding %u2022 An essential medical kit for School Resource Officers%u2022 Attaches to the duty belt as a drop down leg rig%u2022 Includes an extraction device for casualty evacuation from the point of wounding to an area of safetyKit Dimensions:H 8.5 in. x W 8.75 in. x D 4.5 in. Wt: 2.3 lbSRO Crisis Response KitDesigned to provide School Resource Officers with the essential life-saving equipment to begin treating injured victims until medical personnel arriveKit Dimensions:H 7.75 in. x W 13 in. x D 9 in. Wt: 5.1 lbFor more information or to order visit our website at www.NARescue.comCrisis Response Preparedness provides the best means to help save lives.REV012325Color Item#BLK 85-0163Color Item#BLK 85-0417C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1 ETD%u00ae 6 in. DressingNAR%u00ae Gauze, 1Compressed2 HyFin%u00ae VentChest Seal, Twin Pk1NitrileGloves, Lg2 NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1 HastyHarness1C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet4 ETD%u00ae 6 in. Dressing4NAR%u00ae Gauze, Compressed4 HyFin%u00ae VentChest Seal, Twin Pk1NitrileGloves, Lg5 NAR%u00ae TraumaShears, Lg1ETD%u00ae 4 in. Dressing4 ETD%u00ae Abd./Stump1QTYNAR%u00ae Survival BlanketCPR 2 Microshield Mask22%u201d NAR%u00aeSurgical Tape1 PermanentMarker, Large2Sign up to get updates and special offers when you...