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                                    North American Rescue%u00ae Pegasus Ropes%u00ae 3 | 888.689.6277 | www.narescue.comDiameter: ................................................................................................9.5mmWeight:.................................................................................3.82 lb per 100 ftElongation: ..................................................................................................1.6%Rope MBS (Dry Break)................................................5495 lbf (24.4 kN)Fibers (core/sheath):................................................ Innegra%u2122/TechnoraSheath Ratio:.........................................................................62% TechnoraGold w/Black & Red Runner Item# 90-1401........................................................................................ 100 ft.Item# 90-2401...................................................................................... 200 ft.Item# 90-3401...................................................................................... 300 ft.NOTE: Testing conducted by 3rd party UL Rated Laboratories.9.5mm has62% Technorasheaththat stillFloatsOlympusOlympus Series%u2122 Canyoneering, mountaineering and caving represent some of the most challenging and abusive environments for safety equipment on the planet. NARv has designed a line of durable, lightweight and great handling ropes that offer reliability in all weather conditions. Whether it%u2019s raining, submerged in salt water or -40%u00b0F, Pegasus Ropes%u00ae always perform. Olympus is engineered for rough terrain and sharp edges by offering a thick and highly twisted Technora sheath for added strength and excellent abrasion resistance. The Innegra%u2122 core is ultra-lightweight and strong, allowing the rope to have a dependable core that is so buoyant that it floatswith the thicker sheath. Combining these two high performance fibers creates the ultimate in advanced rope performance. %u2022 Technora sheath for abrasion, cut resistance & heat resistance%u2022 Innegra%u2122 core for reliable strength, durability & flotation whether wet, dry or contaminated%u2022 Easy to knot with a great feel%u2022 Easily stored and deployed from stuffed sack%u2022 Low stretch %u2013 wet or dry%u2022 High strength to weight ratio %u2013 wet or dry%u00aeSTRENGTHthat DEFIES GRAVITY%u2122 
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