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North American Rescue%u00ae Pegasus Ropes%u00ae 1 | 888.689.6277 | www.narescue.comRedefining Rope TechnologiesHARNESSING THE ADVANTAGE OF%u2714 Ultra-lightweight%u2714 High Strength%u2714 Hydrophobic %u2714 UV Stable %u2714 Chemically Inert%u2714 Cut Resistant%u2714 Low Creep%u2714 Buoyant%u2714 Low DielectricThe Factor of Safety (FOS) in the rope industry recommends a 10x FOS for most rope designs (working load = 10% of Minimum Break Strength) compared to the automotive, aerospace, and structural design industries%u2019 2-3x. In part, the high rope FOS tries to compensate for the environmental, mechanical and physical %u201cunknowns%u201d that rope materials are exposed to.%u00aeNorth American Rescue%u00ae (NAR%u00ae) is proud to announce our Static Pegasus Ropes%u00ae Series %u2013 the lightest weight and most versatile rope available today. Understanding your mission requirements, NAR%u00aecontinues our tradition of providing tactical and rescue teams with innovative and dependable equipment that outperforms expectations in unpredictable environments. Our Pegasus Ropes%u00ae line delivers unmatched performance (wet, dry or contaminated), allowing you to utilize one rope for most missions. Pegasus cores are composed of 100% virgin Innegra%u2122 fiber. Innegra%u2122 is a new, advanced material with excellent physical & mechanical properties. Characterized by its excellent strength to weight ratio, Innegra%u2122S delivers a very strong, ultra-lightweight, hydrophobic, buoyant and chemically inert fiber that is ideal for varying operational needs.Unlike all nylon based ropes, Pegasus%u2019 physical and mechanical properties are virtually unchanged regardless of environmental conditions such as rain, sleet, snow, mist, humidity, salt water and chemicals, allowing it to maintain its high strength, low weight and cut resistance regardless of the weather. With it%u2019s superior handling, knotability and reliably stable performance, Pegasus is a significant advancement in rope technologies.PEGASUS cores are all designed with Innegra%u2122S, a new and innovative advanced fiber that gives Pegasus Ropes%u00ae the same physical & mechanical properties %u2013 whether wet, dry or even exposed to chemicals. This breakthrough technology has an impressive strength-to-weight ratio, making it the lightest structural fiber available today. Innegra%u2122%u2019s unique composition also provides great thermal properties when used in hot or cold environments. For the first time you can be confident that the backbone of your rope%u2019s system, your core, will perform regardless of environmental challenges.