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                           %u2022 866-839-3455 %u2022 NAR Simulation Sales %u2022 866-839-3455 %u2022 NAR Simulation Sales | 14CASEVACCV-22OPTION ITEM # NSN#CV-22 93-0072 ---ICS BOX 93-0299 ---LITTER STANCHIONS 93-0301 ---CREW SEATS 93-0379 ---CASEVAC SIMULATOR CV-22The CV-22T simulator is used to increase efficiencies during the initial point of injury and tactical evacuations phase of care. This advanced simulator provides a variety of options that enhance the simulated battlefield at any location.Features:%u2022 Equipped with removeable, Sensory Control Unit and NARS Tablet%u2022 Allows each unit to configure to Standard Operating Procedures%u2022 Cabin height, width, and length to realistic sizes%u2022 Day or night operations%u2022 Treatment platform for CASEVAC training%u2022 Used as a CV-22 crash site%u2022 Black out during daytime operations%u2022 Realistic crew securing landmarks%u2022 Patients can be properly secured on floor%u2022 Reinforced floor ringsSpecs & Dimensions:%u2022 A mobile (DOT licensed) trailer that replicates characteristics of CV-22 aircraft%u2022 Tandem Axle design%u2022 Maximum Weight is 14,000 lbs%u2022 Trailer length 35%u2019 7%u201d%u2022 Trailer width 8%u2019 9%u201d%u2022 Trailer height 9%u2019 3%u201d%u2022 Ramp opening trailer for on and off load of patients%u2022 Ramp length will not exceed 7 feet%u2022 Ramp width will not exceed 70 inches%u2022 Interior: L 21 ft. x W 62 in. x H 72 inAdd'l Options Available:%u2022 ICS Box (Includes 2 headsets and 15 ft. cords)%u2022 Litter Stanchions (set of 2)%u2022 Crew Seats
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