Page 14 - Demo
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                                    14 | %u2022 888-689-6277GSWTask Trainer1 TrueClot%u00aeBlood Simulant4 TrueClot%u00aeHemostatic, 12%u20199 TrueClot%u00aeMixing BottletTrueClot%u00ae 1Bleeding Bottle1 Rigid Carrying Case1%u2022 Introduce students to realistic hemorrhage control for TCCC, TECC, TEMS, PHTLS, Active Shooter Training and general wound packing techniques for advanced hemostatic gauze training%u2022 Highly realistic Wound Packing Trainer features a large caliber gunshot wound with hidden bleed points and a simulated fracture/defect hard plastic bone insert to aid in teaching deep wound packing techniques%u2022 Includes TrueClot%u00ae Clotting Blood Simulant and Simulated Hemostatic Gauze which demonstrates the reaction of Hemostatic Gauze in a wound%u2022 Durable design features a sturdy silicone construction with no moving parts, reinforced tubing mount, and a more realistic wound pattern and outer anatomy, ideal for the repeated use of a training environmentITEM #93-0020TRUECLOT HEMORRHAGE TRAINING KITSPECIFICATIONSTask Trainer: L 7.25 in. x H 2.5 in.Storage Case: L 13.5 in. x W 10 in. x D 5.5 in.Liquid Capacity: 1 literWeight: 5 lbTRUECLOT%u00ae Hemorrhage Training Kit%u2122TRUECLOT%u00ae Tourniquet Simulator TrainerSling Assemby1QTYRigid Carrying Case1QTYTRUECLOT TRAINER contains:SPECIFICATIONSH 12 in. x W 16 in. x D 7 in. Weight: 5 lb%u2022 Wearable device that allows full application of a tourniquet for training purposes%u2022 Ideal for training tourniquet placement techniques featuring a durable silicone construction with no moving parts, reinforced tubing mount, and a more realistic wound pattern and outer anatomyITEM #93-0931TRUECLOT TQ SIMULATORTRUECLOT TOURNIQUET SIMULATOR contains:Bleeding Control Training AidsTrueClot%u00aeBleeding Bottle1
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