Page 12 - Demo
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                                    12 | %u2022 888-689-6277ETD%u00ae 4 in. Responder, FlatC-A-T%u00ae 1Tourniquet1NAR%u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing1 HyFin%u00aeTrainer, Twin Pk1QTY HyFin%u00aeTrainer, Twin Pk1QTYNAR%u00aeSurvival BlanketETD%u00ae 6 in. 1Responder1 Responder Nitrile Gloves,Lg2PAIRNAR%u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing1 ResponderShears, Lg1QTYPermanentMarker, Small1QTYInstructionsBleeding Control1 Patch,Bleeding Control1 C-A-T%u00aeTourniquet1SPECIFICATIONS H 7 in. x W 5 in. x D 2.5 in.Individual Training Kits | Public Access Bleeding Control %u2022 The appropriate equipment to teach individuals the necessary life-saving skills of bleeding control%u2022 Corresponds with NAR's single Public Access Bleeding Control Kits in Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced%u2022 Packaged in a compact, blue nylon bag with PVC Bleeding Control PatchBLEEDING CONTROL INDIVIDUAL TRAINER KITSLEVEL WGT ITEM #Basic 15 oz 80-0901Intermediate 16.5 oz 80-0902Adv. 16.5 oz 80-0903Adv. w. CELOX 16.5 oz 80-1582Public Access INDIVIDUAL BLEEDING CONTROL TRAINER KITSPLUS these Individual Components based upon YOUR configuration choice: BASIC INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED %u2022 Designed to provide the essential training equipment to teach how to control bleeding%u2022 Contains training items corresponding with the necessary tools recommended by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma to equip bystanders to help save lives in the instance of life threatening bleedingCombatGauze%u00ae Trainer1QTY Just in TimeInstructions1QTY ResponderNitrile Gloves,Lg2PAIRSPECIFICATIONS H 7 in. x W 5 in. x D 2.5 in.Weight: 8 ozSTB TRAINERITEM #85-1880STB TRAINERSTB TRAINER contains:Bag only option available at NARescue.comResponder Shears, Lg1Combat Gauze%u00aeor CELOX%u2122 TrainerQTY1Every INDIVIDUAL TRAINER KIT contains:NAR%u00ae Gauze,Wound Packing1
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