Page 89 - Demo
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INTRO M%u2022A%u2022R%u2022C%u2022H KITS TAC%u2022EVAC INDEX TRAINING MED%u2022SURG RESCUE TREATMENT SUPPORTFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 89TACEVAC | Spine Boards & AccessoriesRESCUE SLEEVE IISPECIFICATIONS Folded: L 25.5 in. x W 13 in. x D 8 in.Open: L 73 in. x W 18 in. x D 2 in.Weight: 16 lb (7.26 kg)Payload: 1,000 lb (453.6 kg)Case: L 20 in. x W 35 in. x D .25 in.Weight: 1.7 lbs%u2022 The industry%u2019s ultimate patient securing system refined for enhanced stability & ease of use%u2022Ideal for rescues requiring vertical and/or horizontalhoisting capabilities COLOR ITEM # NSN #Black 50-0011 6530-01-531-6649Orange 50-0012 6530-01-477-8525Case 50-0002 4240-01-477-9408RESCUE SLEEVE IINOTE: Spine board sold separately. Hoisting straps & carabiners not includedSPINE BOARD%u2022 Thin & lightweight with tapered design%u2022 Surface texture to prevent slippage & 14 raised, oversized hand-holds%u2022 Black spine board includes ten rapid attachment pinsCOLOR ITEM # NSN #OD Green 50-0013 6530-01-490-2487Orange 50-0014 6530-01-531-6771Black w/Pins 50-0021 ----SPINE BOARDSPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: L 72 in. x W 16 in. x D 1.75 in.Weight: 14 lb. (6.35 kg) Payload: 1,000 lb. (498.96 kg)MADE INAmerICAMADE INAmerICANAR%u00ae CASUALTY IMMOBILIZATION SYSTEM%u2022 Constructed of black polypropylene webbing with hook & loop closures %u2022 Featuring 6 attachment points: 2 %u201csuspender%u201d type, over-theshoulder straps & 4 adjustable torso/limb straps with adjustable center strap %u2022 No choking %u201cV%u201d configuration by the patient%u2019s neckNAR%u00ae HEAD IMMOBILIZER%u2022 Quick, effective head blockconstructed of soft, closedcell foam with hook & loop closures and padded straps %u2022 Ears and head are accessible without removing the deviceITEM # NSN #50-0031 6530-01-586-2411CASUALTY IMMOBILIZATION SYSTEMSPECIFICATIONS Pkg: L 16.5 in. x W 4 in. x D 2.75 in.Weight: 1 lb 1 ozITEM # NSN #50-0020 6530-01-619-1777HEAD IMMOBILIZERSPECIFICATIONS H 10 in. x W 16 in. x D 5.75 in.Weight: 2 lb 3 ozCERVICAL COLLAR ACE%u00ae%u2022 Adjustable neck support with foam lining %u2022 Extended back to ensure complete %u2022 Adjusts to fit 16 adult neck sizesCOLOR ITEM # NSN #OD Green 50-0010 6515-01-541-8147White 50-1007 6515-01-650-0036ACE CERVICAL COLLARSPECIFICATIONS H 6.75 in. x W 20.5 in. x D 0.75 in.Weight: 5.2 ozNAR%u00ae CASUALTY RESTRAINT STRAPSHeavy-duty nylon webbing & convenient seat belt buckle utilityA. 2 piece Plastic Buckle L 5 ft x W 2 in. %u2022 Weight: 4 ozBlack: 50-0023 %u2022 Orange: 50-0024B. 2 piece Plastic Buckle/Speed ClipL 5 ft x W 2 in. %u2022 Weight: 7.8 ozBlack: 50-0026 %u2022 Orange: 50-0025C. 2 piece Metal BuckleL 5 ft x W 2 in. %u2022 Weight: 8 ozBlack: 50-0027 %u2022 Orange: 50-0028D. 2 piece Metal Buckle/Speed ClipL 5 ft x W 2 in. %u2022 Weight: 11.7 ozBlack: 50-0029 %u2022 Orange: 50-0030ABCD