Page 153 - Demo
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                                    For Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 153MECU is designed for mobility, and can be set up in a variety of training areas. This is a great option for smaller scale simulation events where dedicated training facilites are not available.Features: & Contents:%u2022 2 hard cases for cables and wireless control devices. %u2022 LED light set (x1)%u2022 Fogger (x1)%u2022 Blower (x1)%u2022 Loudspeakers (x2) %u2022 NARS remote control tablet with proprietary NARS Advanced Remote software MOBILE ENVIRONMENTCONTROL UNITFor Ordering Info, See Inside Back Cover | 153with NARSInstructor TabletMOBILE ENVIRONMENT CONTROL UNITITEM # 93-0275WEARABLENECK WOUND%u2022 Simulates a through and through gunshot%u2022 Bleeds from entry and exit wounds%u2022 Washable and reusableWEARABLE WOUND SIMULATORSOPTION ITEM #Neck Wound 93-0215Leg Wound - GSW 93-0212WEARABLE WOUND SIMULATORSDimensions:Packaged - L 6 in. x W 6 in. x H 6 in.Weight: 3 lbsAll wearable wound simulators are compatible with both Iive actors and TOMManikin%u00aeMore wearable wound options available at NARescue.comWEARABLE LEG WOUND - GSW%u2022 Hook and loop closure%u2022 Exposed fat and muscle layers%u2022 Integrated bleeding systemDimensions:L 6 in. x W 6 in. x H 6 in.Weight: 1 lbs.
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